Thursday, October 29, 2020



Hi Missy, with the election coming, I was just wondering if more Democrats or more Republicans keep mistresses?




A number of POLITICAL MISTRESSES - Mistresses of Politicians - profiled here were women who worked for the men they were Mistress to.

Rielle Hunter - and John Edwards  June 2012
Carrie Phillips - and Warren Harding  November 2012
Elizabeth Ray - and Wayne L. Hays  November 2016
Sally Hemmings - and Thomas Jefferson  July 2018
Missy Lehand - and Franklin D. Roosevelt October 2019

REPUBLICANS HAVE MORE MONEY.  They may simply be sneakier, have more cooperative wives, or pay off their mistresses when they are done with the relationship... and my guess is since they have more money, their Mistresses get more spoiling!



Tuesday, October 27, 2020



Dear Missy,

I'm going to admit this is not my problem, but there's been a lot of talk about this husband in England whose wife just gave birth, and who wants to be half out the marriage. He wants her to approve his getting his own apartment and living there during the week where he can have sex with other women. He says he will not get emotionally involved with them. This woman will be stuck raising two children on her own and expect him only to be part of the family on weekends. Also he says that she is allowed to date but not have sex with other men.  You may have seen this in the news?

I think it sucks.  What do you think?


New York


Hi Marilyn

I think this man has been one foot out of the marriage for some time and waited out the pregnancy.  The timing sure is bad. However, people who want out of relationships, men and women, often wait out pregnancies and other life events and crisis, such as the serious illness of a partner, waiting until the youngest child is out of college,  or - until their lawyer says it's a good time.  I so wish our youthful ideas of what relationships are all about were not so idealistic.

It's not unusual for a person to have an affair or affairs looking for another partner before they feel ready to divorce.  That may be rather cowardly but it's not unusual.

We really don't know if this relationship was ever any good.  We don't know how this wife treats her husband. Sure pregnancy, birth, and motherhood can be difficult, but maybe she's abusive. Maybe he can't meet her demands and expectations. We don't know if the children were planned.  Many of us were not.  It can still be good.  But unplanned children are sometimes not affordable children.

Maybe he thinks being separated like this will actually preserve this marriage.

Maybe he thinks he's doing her a favor slowly going away.

And yes, I think it would be better to have a Mistress he cares about than a lot of meaningless sex only encounters, especially because of all the VD and STDs.

It sounds like he's too controlling.

I doubt anyone can guarantee another person that they will not get emotionally involved with anyone else, sex or not.  I wonder what he might reveal to the various women he expects to get into his bed at the apartment; will he tell them upfront that they are only their for sex and not to get emotionally involved with him because he won't with them?

Certainly she should not agree to a relationship that is only Open for her husband.  To me, she should be able to also have sex with anyone she wants.  But I bet she won't.  I'll bet he knows that.

I also suspect that this is a plan of his to gradually divorce.

At best he is confused.

So he should see a therapist and she should see a lawyer.


Sunday, October 25, 2020



Not too long ago a friend from highschool and I were talking.  She said she had been looking at some old photos and I was so thin.  I was.  I had a high metabolism and I also had a busy life.  I was naturally thin.  And to this day dieting will not work for me.  Calorie counting will not work. I absolutely have to keep moving to stay thin-ish.

Long ago I gave up on being my high school weight.  I'd look ridiculous.

I know what my old friend was trying to get at.  She wondered if I'd been thin due to bulimia or anorexia and I had not been.  She however, had a mom who was regulating her diet.  I recall she fainted a couple times.  Her sister, whose diet was also regulated by their mother, actually passed out in a snowbank and had to be rushed to the hospital.

Learning that our Mistress of the Month, Susan Mary "Shoe" Taylor, was bulimic by the time she met the man she would become a long term mistress to in 1978, Jonathan Guinness, an aristocrat and beer brewing heir, I wondered if all her adventures and misadventures had been too hard on her, destroying her mental health.

Why did she need to be too thin? Was she basically a trend follower?  A fashionista?  The reason I wonder is that bulimia is often associated with women who want to be "fashionably thin" which is "model thin" which is "hanger thin" - I mean way too thin.  After a while a woman looses her ability to see herself in the mirror as she really looks.

As women age especially they need some weight on, some fat.  I believe this strongly.  As your estrogen wanes it's your fat that holds it.  You need that to protect your bones. That's my belief.

Bulimia can wreck your physical health beginning with your teeth which rot away from all that vomit.  So save your bright and beautiful smile and say OK to looking womanly. Check out the link!  There's lots of authoritative information including a Bulimia hotline!


Thursday, October 22, 2020


TELEGRAPH UK - OBITS - SUSAN MARY TAYLOR  She died in 2003 at the age of 58.  She was known as the long time mistress of Jonathan Guinness, who had become Lord Moyne.  She had three children with him.


Susan Mary Taylor (known as "Shoe") was born over her father's butcher's shop at Oldam, Lancashire, on July 26, 1944.  As a child, she helped out in the slaughterhouse: "The slaughterer slit the carcass down the middle, and pushed the steaming insides, or rops, towards me.  My Job was to pick the rops, pull each part away from the slime which holds it together, and put it in the rips bucket, separating the large intestines from the small, the stomach from the throttle." Meanwhile, her father told her "Don't forget the maggots"
OK, we're all going to become vegans...  Missy

Monday, October 19, 2020


ALINA KABAYEVA, a Mistress of the Month here at Mistress Manifesto BlogSpot,  February 2011, is being reported by various media sources, such as Daily Mail OnLine, to be "missing" or "disappeared."  Such words used in conjunction with Russia, are indeed serious.


She is the supposed Mistress of Vladimir Putin, as he has never, as far as anyone knows or is saying, married her.  Putin, admired by some Western men for his macho, was long married to his first and perhaps only wife for many years and has two grown daughters by her.  They are divorced.  Perhaps the only woman who has been associated with the man since is the gymnast Alina Kabayeva, who is not only extremely talented, but has been a premier athletic talent and has made Russia proud. She has been an extremely high profile woman and as a result, when no one seems to have heard from her or seen her, speculation mounts.

Rumors of having given birth in Switzerland several years ago, and then to twins in Russia a few years ago, via C-Section, have made it into the media.  Of course, we hope she is living in luxury and happily raising her family.

ALINA, say hello to the world once in a while so we know you are OK.

Sunday, October 18, 2020


Front Cover  One of the things we do here at MISTRESS MANIFESTO BLOGSPOT is try to define Mistress, the role, and because the word is too often used to describe a woman who is the dominant one in an S and M relationship - or experience - I sometimes think I should have called this blog KEPT PEOPLE.  Once you start reading this blog, however, you know this is an ongoing discussion worthy of an college Woman's Studies class.  I bring this up because this book, Polyamory - the New Love Without Limits further challenged me. Focusing on agreements and compromise without a mention of the finances, I'm trying it all on.

What the author, Dr. Deborah M. Anapol, does most excellently is challenge the reader to ask themselves a whole lot of questions in order to define who you are and what you want ideally when it comes to relationships with one, two, three - even a whole group of people.  The book came out in 1997 and at that point Anapol had been helping people explore the New Paradigm of relationships for over a decade.  New Sexual Ethics.  Serial Monogamy?

She doesn't like serial monogamy.  She is opinionated to say; "Unlike lifelong monogamy, it (serial monogamy) allows us to express our polyamorous nature while maintaining a monogamous fiction in which our multiple mates are separated by linear time."  (Read that again...)

She warns us that Polyamory is not a synonym for promiscuity.  She points out the high percentage of affairs men and women have during marriage as full of lies, deceit, guilt, and broken commitments.

So are you ready to commit to TWO or MORE lovers?  (I'll bet some men who are keeping a mistress and reading this blog are ready to say YES!) To tell anyone you are about to get involved with the truth about yourself so they can decide if they want to continue with you?

Learn the difference between Open Relationships, having an Intimate Network, Group and Multilateral Marriage,  Swinging, Polyfidelity, and a Triad.

A few years ago I lived in a neighborhood that housed a Group Marriage.  It was actually two men and two women who considered themselves all married to each other.  They would leave - all four of them - arm in arm. I often wondered if that was to show the neighbors they were still intact.

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All Rights Reserved including International and Internet Rights

Friday, October 16, 2020


A PERFECT 14 is a captivating film.

It focuses on plus size models and the one's profiled and followed a bit are on strong career paths.

First, what does it take to be a "plus size" model? The very word implies fat, and indeed some plus size models are by just about anyone's perception fat, with extra folds of skin. But these successful models simply look like most of us. We are not hanger thin. See a normal woman next to a hanger thin one and you can see the difference.  Then you'll say, isn't that other women dangerous skinny?

What's really going on in fashion?

Are designers, male or female, simply unable to create clothing that looks great on humans who are not hanger thin?

Must we really contort ourselves in order to wear clothing? Become ill? Loose our perceptions of reality when we look in a mirror?

Elly Mayday was a plus size model from Canada who eventually died of ovarian cancer at the age of 30 because she was so young when she started having stomach pain (stage 3) that she was misdiagnosed for years. Holding to her dream with ambition she managed to model though she took cancer treatments and eventually had some extreme surgery. So her story is especially touching.

Another model, Kerosene Deluxe, who is profiled here is an alternative model. She is not only a big lady, she is a tattooed and pierced one. She also comes with a unique life story as she was born to a woman who had been a legal prostitute in Europe who married a man who had been a steady customer Europe.

Then there's the Perfect Sized 4 model who is traveling the world, Laura Wells, perhaps the most successful profiled. She is healthy. She is not overly fat - no belly - nor is she overly muscled.

If you're questioning why you are always dieting to loose or maintain weight so that you'll "look good" you might find some inspiration from these models.  You might also decide to go ahead and be a model yourself.

C 2020 Mistress Manifesto BlogSpot


Wednesday, October 14, 2020


Always on the search for more mistresses to feature on this blog, MISTRESS MANIFESTO BLOGSPOT, it seems the Guinness family surname is associated with Mistresses.

For instance, someday I may feature Gloria Guinness who is said to have been the mistress of a man named Duff Cooper - though he is said to have had more than one mistress through the years.

While Shoe Taylor was Jonathan Guinness's Mistress, he stayed married to his wife, with whom he had three children.  One of those children is a woman famous for eccentricity and unusual and amazing fashion, Daphne Guinness.
Daphne is rumored to have a special relationship with a man named Starvos Niarchos - one of those Greek shipping heirs.  Though she spends a fortune of her own money on clothes, there is always more money. He is rumored to have had Princess Firyal of Jordon as a mistress after her divorce, having gifted her with houses in London and Paris and other things that racked up expenditures in the tens of millions of dollars.

High society is just so intertwined and well, I just don't think they have the same expectations in relationships than us commoners.

Friday, October 9, 2020



Is there more to the hippie lifestyle than Volkswagen buses, peace signs, tie-dyed clothing, smoking marijuana (now legal in many places, especially for medical use), protests, draft dodgers, free love (a concept I can't wrap my mind around, since women I've met who indulged ended up feeling they'd paid a price) and other stereotypes?

Tuesday, October 6, 2020


Who approves?  

You might be surprised.

Often wives.

Princess Diana wanted Prince Charles all to herself we've been told - though recently it's been suggested she didn't want a divorce, just to live separate lives and "partner" when needed.  Though Diana Spencer was raised in aristocracy, and must have heard that Mistresses were historically part of aristocratic living, she was a modern creature.  She wanted to be "enough."

The Prince's circle helped him have his separate life. They held entertainments in which Charles and Camilla were invited and treated as a couple, leaving Princess Diana at home or to her own life.

Camilla has been honored (!) with two Mistress of the Months here at Mistress Manifesto. To read more about her go to the archives May 2010 and April 2016.

Sometimes a wife practically throws her husband to another woman. Sometimes she gives the Ok for him to have another woman in his life and a Mistress is preferable to sleeping around.  Sometimes she chooses. Our Mistress of the month for April 2012, May Fung Yee Pang, is said to have been chosen by ex-Beatle John Lennon's wife Yoko Ono.

Some wives negotiate their marriage with their husbands, but most often they signal their approval passively by continuing the marriage. Now some wives, who have prenups, may renegotiate the terms and conditions, but please - keep this basically financial, about responsibilities. I heard of a man who expected his fiancée to sign a prenup that she agrees to have sex with him for the rest of their lives together three times a week. How horribly unrealistic and anti-romantic.

I suppose Susan "Shoe" Taylor was a "hippie.  Clearly she shared a man with his wife.  What, if anything, I wonder does she have in Common with Bob Dylan's mysterious musical muse, also considered a hippie,  Ruth Tryangiel , Mistress of the month August 2012.  Or Pamela Des Barres, the famous Groupie who started out as a hippie with flowers in her hair, who waited it out to marry her British husband, as he had to leave a marriage first. Read about Pamela in the month I devoted to Groupies, comparing them to Mistresses, in October 2016.

Friday, October 2, 2020


First published October 2nd 2020

This month we change the mood a little and leave America and her Presidential Mistresses for Great Britain and the Peerage. My guess is that wherever there is royalty, nobility, aristocracy - or wealth - there have been and are Mistresses.

We may never know if France, Great Britain, or Spain have more of them.  Certainly France has the reputation of tolerance, while in Spain there has been the tradition of the Big House for the Wife and the Little House for the Mistress - so a place within the culture for mistresses. However, the expectations on Spanish women to marry as virgins and hold to their virtue as wives, seem to be a pressure French women don't feel so much.

Great Britain seems to somewhere in between. This country was the scene of the "Swinging Sixties" and sexual liberation, though not quite the feminism of the United States.  (Those of you familiar with the rock stars of that era probably know most of them wanted a traditional wife, not a careerist.) Mistresses are acknowledged but also protected by a man's closest friends, his employees, and his family while publicly it's best kept a secret.  A good example would be Prince Charles and Camilla Parker Bowles, the debutant who was his Mistress and is now his wife. Reportedly Camilla may have even helped Charles pick Lady Diana Spencer to be his wife and she may have wished to remain his mistress and share him. Friends of his arranged to host the couple and allow them the use of their homes to meet up alone for years. Diana, however, did not wish to man share or cooperate in allowing her husband this Princely privilege.


Shoe: The Odyssey of a Sixties Survivor by Jonathan Guinness (1989 ...

Commonly referred to as a "hippie,"  Susan Taylor had three children with Jonathan Guinness, Diane, born 1981, Aster, born in 1984, and Thomas, born 1986. They bear the Guinness surname.  Jonathan Guinness has sired eight children in his life, and these last three extramarital children were born during his second, very long marriage to  wife Suzanne Lisney, who he was married to from 1964 until her death in 2005.

In 1989 he published a book called "Shoe - Odyssey of a Sixties Survivor." In some reviews of the book he wrote about her, Show was slammed.  One news article that appeared July 6, 1989 in The Sun had an opinionated title, "Always the Mistress - Never the Bride!"  (What an old biddy that writer was!)

Notice that it wasn't titled "Always a Cheat - Never Not!" condemning Lord Guinness! In other words, the woman in the relationship is to blame so let's ignore that one is married, the other not.  Let's ignore that one has the power of money and title, the other hardly.  I could go on but refer to what I said about Prince Charles and Camilla Parker Bowles.  Rarely does a person have a long term Mistress without that being known to one's circle who are accepting and understanding.

I first heard of "Shoe" when I was on my cell phone watching the latest pre-Coronavirus-19 fashion runway shows, something I like to do each season though I can rarely afford very expensive clothes and am not "hanger thin." I love to see what the designers are up to and see the models we all hear about, stars they are, prancing the walk.  (Putting one foot in front of the other and not tripping is an art!)  This lead to videos on Daphne Guiness who is "hanger thin" and a woman of uncommon fashion. Her mother was the wife Suzanne, Jonathan's second wife, the one who died in 2005.  Daphne is considered an eccentric fashionista, willing and able to carry off some very unusual designs. She seems to live for fashion, for dressing. I wanted to know more about Daphne but it lead to the discovery that her father had Shoe as a mistress.

To the book:  Amazon - Great Britain reviewed the book and had this to say, "This book celebrates the charisma of a singular woman, Shoe, who started life as a butcher's daughter in Oldham, took the hippie trail to Europe and the East in the 1960's and then led a life rich with colour and incident.  She went to prison in Tunis, sang for Salvador Dali in Spain, sat at the feet of gurus in India and Japan, rode an elephant in Beirut, worked in an orphanage in Sri Lanka and a health farm in Ireland.  She survived eight months in prison, the trauma of a gang rape in Morocco and struggled for seven years against the ravages of bulimia"

In accounts I've read on line about Susan, the following account for her being defined as a hippie: hitchhiking, world travel and intrigue, busking, living in communes and staying in places where everyone slept on the floor,  rallies for the legalization of marijuana, playing in the occult - magic, eastern religion.  The list goes on.

Like other Mistresses covered here at Mistress Manifesto BlogSpot who've had extramarital children, whom others call illegitimate,  such as the children of Gordon Getty or Aldo Gucci, there is no hiding adult children with lives of their own.  When the children are recognized, supported, and loved, even as children of a Mistress, they are in a far better place in life than a child born illegitimately into poverty, abandoned by a birth father, and left to attend the School of Hard Knocks.

One cannot help but be utterly fascinated with Shoe, as Jonathan Guinness certain was.

Her obituary that appeared in the Telegraph was a life story in itself, which I will link to later in this month.

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