Saturday, February 10, 2024


Among the various videos and articles I read about flirting, this one which is by Matt Boggs, very much typifies my best attitude about flirting. 

By the way, because I know you want to know, this past several months I've been flirting myself.  I finally found myself in a situation in which there are lots of men to flirt with. The men are telling jokes. The room is full of laughter.  And why not?  It's healthy.  It's healing.  Everyone is witty or trying to be, using their intelligence. The men may walk out of there into their ordinary life, but they all do so with their peacock feathers spread. My attitude is "no harm done." They feel good about themselves and so do I. They feel alive and happy as they walk out the door and so do I.  They look forward to the next time they have a good time. So do I.  It does not matter if they're in a relationship or not. Or if I am. It's all fun.


The other day four men had gravitated to my table, I looked around the room. Yes, there were other women there. For whatever reason, they were not participating in the socialization.  

Now, I'm not judging those women for wanting to be alone in their thoughts or too busy with their cell phones.  Among the men there is likely one or two who would like nothing more than to be with a woman who is more quiet. I don't know what their circumstances are in their lives. Maybe, though I see no wedding bands or engagement rings, they're in committed relationships or are in grief, having lost someone they love. I just bring this up because there is definitely the space for them to join the party. I would also welcome a new, good girlfriend, someone to go places and do things with. Their behavior is communicating that they're not available, not even for friendship with another women.  

You do not have to be the life of the party to engage with others. Flirting is also something you can do with your partner, someone you've made a commitment with.  If you're slogging along in a day to day relationship it may require you change your mindset. Go out on a date with your partner. Tell them when they look good or smell good.  Compliment them.  Hold hands as you walk along.  Make eye contact. Tell them you love them or that you thought about them all day...


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