Monday, November 29, 2010


Missy here: I'm linking to the web site of KIM JOHNSTON GROSS, whose book "What To Wear For The Rest of Your Life" (Ageless Secrets of Style) is my personal recommendation for you mistresses who need to learn to AGE GRACEFULLY.

"As our bodies and lives transition, many of us lack the style-confidence or know-how to rethink, redefine and re-imagine our self-image. Even as a style expert, I know how easy it is to get stuck in old style notions that no longer work as well as they once did."

We've been reading Leslie's story about becoming first one of the worlds most beautiful women and beauty pageant winners to an abused mistress. We're thinking about aging and competition here (though some mistresses never face that problem because they move on into marriage or another loving relationship or are treated well and have a life-long romance with a man they share with his wife or another woman.)

AGING GRACEFULLY by self acknowledging your body changes is what KIM JOHNSON GROSS' book is all about.

I HAVE ANOTHER REASON I WANT TO RECOMMEND HER ADVISE TO YOU. You see, your years as a mistress and buying clothing that you might not be able to afford on your own salary may be limited, but that doesn't mean you can't be financially sound through INVESTMENT. And investing in yourself - getting your teeth straightened, having a beautiful wardrobe that will last past those years is a really good idea!

So take a look at this site and KIM's book!


Anonymous said...

this book, this lady isn't sexy at all

Missy said...

Well everyone has an opinion, but there is a time and place to be sexy, and out walking the dog in the snow isn't usually when.