Monday, September 30, 2024


"I'm prepared to give a brief answer when asked What Do You Do?"

Often, soon after someone asks you what your name is, they ask "What do you DO? They usually mean for work, how you make your living in this world. We are all so involved in what it is we do, that being unemployed even for a short while can be an embarrassment and we are always living for our resumes, where that streak of unemployment can be used against us.

But I, and many other people in today's world, are not at all embarrassed or ashamed of taking time off from employment, and perhaps LOVING WHAT WE DO has benefits, particularly when it comes to our mental, psychological, and physical health, beyond money.

Doing what you love and making money at it is the ideal. 

I suggest that you be prepared to answer the question of "What do you DO?" by giving an answer that covers both what you do for money and what you do for love if the two are not yet the same.  Your answer is a one sentence PR moment!

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