Tuesday, September 10, 2013


Bobby Fischer seems to me to have gone crazy, but these days the psychology bores would have us believe that everyone is diagnosable with something.  Then there are those who think that anyone who is involved elsewhere in addition to their marriage has some deep psychological reason for it and that therapy will make that person change.  But since not everything in life is deep or complicated and there are so many ways to love, what do YOU say?

Is he perfectly sane or involved with you because he's crazy?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Missy! I feel like this question was aimed right at me! No, my man is not perfectly sane. He's a bi-polar computer animation artist! When he's up he spends too much money and he gambles. When he's down he doesn't want to get up out of bed. When he's on meds he's bored and boring. I love him though and he does right by me! Gretchen