Saturday, June 29, 2024


These are my notes selected to further her story from her memoir, Daughter of Narcissus, the prime reference for his month's posts. 

As a young woman who was a fashion aficionado and designer and had lived in Jamaica growing up, Miami for fashion school, and New York, where she had sold some of her designs and earned income, Georgie Ziadie was expecting she would marry before the age of twenty-five.  After successful surgery to correct a birth defect that had caused her parents to raise her as a boy, she was swept away by suitors who were interested in marrying her.  However, she met Lord Colin Campbell because she was close friends with his sister.  There were hints that there was a "darker side" to members of his family but she met him and married him rapidly, only to soon learn that he was not interested in keeping up his side of the relationship and that included a reluctance or inability to earn income.  Although she had grown up witnessing and subjected to her parent's abuse, she failed to realize that she had married without knowing enough about the man.  He was alcoholic and using drugs - probably to self medicate mental illness.  He soon became physically violent, spewing hatred of all women. He bashed her face in.  After corrective surgery he said he would never hit her beautiful face again.  Instead he battered her body.  After one extreme beating even her father who believed in staying in marriage thought it was time she leave hers.

Like many persons who are subjected to Domestic Violence, a cycle of apology, retreat, and then another episode drove the new Lady Colin Campbell to reality. She wanted out of the marriage.  The divorce was fraught with abuse as well, and this involved his lawyer(s) and certain of his family, members of the British peerage. Perhaps she would like the world to know she had been born intersex and had surgery to corrected the birth defect?  Would everyone like to know how she peed?

She kept the name thinking it would only be a year or two before she remarried.  She had boyfriends but was wary and it was never meant to be.  After leaving the fashion world behind and participating in charity fund raising she turned to writing.  Eventually after writing several books, she earned enough income to consider adopting children.  From Russia she adopted two boys - not twins genetically but close in age - who she managed to raise without repeating the horrors that she grew up experiencing. 

Let me say that I found the book I have excerpted from riveting and have gained respect fort this woman. When I listen to her broadcasts via her YouTube station, I do so with new appreciation for her. She purchased Castle Goring and lives there as well as in London.

Below are some of many books she has written: 

Her latest about Meghan and Harry.
The book that made her famous as an author. With her earnings she realized she could afford to have her own family through adoption and became a single mother of two boys.
Lady Colin Campbell gains her information from others who know the inside stories of the royals and peerage and members of international high society.

This one was based on a real person, who so identified with the main character that law suits were threatened... Eventually Lady Colin Campbell prevailed.
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