Sunday, June 30, 2024


Coming up....  Here at Mistress Manifesto we will be revisiting the world of the Courtesans but though we often go back to France, Paris in particular, we will focus on England.
Some Courtesans became Mistresses, some Mistresses became Courtesans. 

Some of the women who have lived or do live an Alternative Lifestyle eventually marry
 and have more ordinary lives.

Today I wonder.  How much has been or is about CHOICE?

It's said that a Courtesan always chooses her lover or lovers, 
while attracting many and sometimes creating a competition for her company.  
Today it is assumed that the days when women could become Courtesans is over.

Instead, I think, because divorce is a way out of marriage, there is serial marriages, 
or staying in a marriage but having a Mistress - or a series of them.

Was it all about sex?
Was it all about "class"?
Was it all about acquiring all that money could buy?

What are your thoughts?
Leave me a comment!



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