Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Sunday, December 26, 2021


I've become very curious about this type of video, as there are many, posted on YouTube to help you relax, concentrate, or sleep. I chose this one to post, as it is a black screen video and not too dramatic, but you can find ones with various rain sound effects - on roofs - on pavement - as well as lightening and thunder!

If you happen to be somewhere that isn't in drought, well, maybe you need the sun on your back.

For me, now, I wish for earth quenching rain that will surely soak deep and bring up all the rare wild flowers in the spring. Meanwhile, I want more sleep.

Saturday, December 25, 2021



Friday, December 24, 2021



The other day I was thinking that I'M LIKE YOU. I really wondered how I would make it through the year because of the dramatic effect Covid-19 has had on our economy, our culture, our relationships.  What or who as NOT been effected?  

Are you one of the people whose relationship got stressed or ended because of too much time spent together or, just the opposite, too much time apart? How has the pandemic effected the way you see life?

Here we are at the end of the year, with the holidays upon us. Traditionally a more busy time, with family, friends, and celebrations. Though we can theoretically do it any time - a new month, a new moon, a solstice, a celebration - it seems to me that there is a psychological effect to a New Year, a turn of the page on the calendar.

Congratulate yourself for doing as well as you have.  Lend a hand to those who need some help. Express gratitude where it is deserved. Give yourself a hug.


Big Band Sound - Claude Thornhill and His Orchestra

This is the kind of music I like to listen to in the kitchen as I try a new recipe.

Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Monday, December 20, 2021


 I loved this film, circa 1997, because it's about friendship, something we all need to have a good life. Julia Roberts plays Julianne Potter, a liberated career woman with a long term Platonic Friendship that began as an affair but ripened into Best Friends.  Not much was happening for her or her friend Dermot, played by Michael O'Neal (who you want) so what a shock when he finds himself in love with the younger, innocent but unjaded, sweet but gutsy Kimberly, played by Cameron Diaz. After being a bitch and making a fool of herself, Julia must accept, things are never going to be the same. Luckily she has a friend in George, played by Rupert Everett, as well.  He's what every heterosexual woman needs; a gay man friend who loves her unconditionally and knows men better than she does. There are plenty of LOL moments in this film, and you might even find yourself singing out loud, so it's a treat.

After you watch it, call you Best Friend!


C 2021 Mistress Manifesto BlogSpot Film Review All Rights Reserved Including Internet and International Rights

Saturday, December 18, 2021


Friends of this blog know that I recommend some Secret Santa giving or playing it forward through volunteering as a soul affirming remedy for that seasonal depression that can happen to the even nicest, sweetest people on this planet, even those who we all depend on to be of good cheer.

Such work also can become a way of realizing how blessed we are - even if we are not rich - to have the ability to get there, to do the work. I will be volunteering on both these days and you can too, usually without a lot of fuss, if you do food distribution for a food bank or serve meals, for instance. 

And don't you want to meet your kind of people - the loving and giving kind?

Thursday, December 16, 2021

Monday, December 13, 2021


1960 wasn't the Swinging Sixties yet and subject matter such as this,
which could have been considered offensive to society
which was far more religious than ours,
 was made into comedy.

All these years later, I think of this film as having social commentary embedded in it. There is sexism and there is classism and well... What will you think once you've seen it? Maybe relax and find it fun, relate to it, or simply realize this kind of situation still happens. Only now, we have the MeToo Movement.

Shirley MacLaine is one of my favorite actresses* and someone who lived an unconventional life. After marrying and having a daughter, her husband and daughter moved to Japan. Theirs was a long distance and alternative relationship. She sent money. Focusing on her career, aware that despite her talent and hard work she was lucky to have one, MacLaine's autobiographical works (books), several which I've read, reveal that she was free to have other relationships and did have them. Be it through negotiation or just how it worked out, her marriage was an Open one. (Back in the day her marriage would have been considered one in which there was a "role reversal")

In The Apartment, Shirley MacLaine acts as Fran Kubelik, an young and pretty elevator operator who only has access to the executives at a company because they ride the elevator. Her ethnic surname suggests that this job is the best she can do (circa 1960). Though in a lowly position, she is hopeful and open-minded for love. She's a respectable girl who seems not to accept dates out of some sense of professionalism or wisdom but how long can that last?

Mister Sheldrake, the Big Boss, played by Fred MacMurray, has his afternoons to entertain.  He and other characters at the office are using an underlings apartment to have afternoon sex, excessively.  The underling, C.C. Baxter, played by Jack Lemmon, can't say no. He needs recognition and advancement in his career. The neighbors can hear all that sex through the walls and think it's Baxter - very busy.

Who will seduce Fran?

C 2021 Mistress Manifesto BlogSpot 
Film Review
All Rights Reserved including Internet and International Rights
* Shirley was mentioned in this blog before because of her acting in the film Bernie. Bernie Tiedi was featured in January 2021

Friday, December 10, 2021


Let It Rain - Let It Rain - Let It Rain Down on YOU!

Tuesday, December 7, 2021


NO NO NO GIFT CARDS! (Cash is better, but can't you be more original?) Gift cards are lazy and we do not need all that plastic in our landfills for the next 200 years.

The perfect gift(s) for anyone is something they would adore and probably won't buy for themselves. 

JEWELRY - Here's a hint! (Look for Sustainable!) Semi-precious stones mean you can go large.

PLANTS - Live plants including trees that can be replanted outside or in big beautiful ceramic pots out on the porch are a wonderful gift. A big bow or some cut flowers for the initial presentation are OK but at least choose her favorite flower. Never give an empty pot.
Topiary can turn her patio into Versailles!

A DONATION TO HER FAVORITE NONPROFIT (Take her out to dinner at a fine restaurant to announce that you will be doing so!)

A SILK ROBE or FULL PAJAMA OF GENEROUS PROPORTIONS (Vintage is Good. Think Veronica Lake! Tuck in a tiny bottle of expensive perfume.)

MUSEUM STORE FINDS! Many museum stores feature some locally made artisan jewelry, big tote bags made from their old banners, and so on, and you can order them to be sent anywhere and benefit the museum too.


A Gift should always say I KNOW YOU WELL!


C 2021 Mistress Manifesto BlogSpot

Sunday, December 5, 2021


I think you should always have a few nice small gifts tucked away so as to not be caught empty handed when someone surprises you with a gift.  Museum stores are a terrific place to find something arty and well made for about $20.

Consider : LACMA STORE 

Fine people still use fine stationary (and stamps) so a box of notes (but not thank you notes) made of good heavy paper, is usually appreciated. Throw in a page of stamps to upgrade the gift.

Also, you should never go to a dinner party empty handed.  A good bottle of wine (if the person isn't in A.A.) is always thoughtful. 

REMEMBER, NO GIFT CARDS.  They are lazy and our landfills are full of plastic that won't degrade for 200 years.

So men. We find you difficult to buy for in general. So many men have everything they need and see no reason to have things they don't need. What you need may be the basics or might include a hundred thousand dollar painting: Can you give us some clues? Because the best gifts are the the things you probably won't buy for yourself, even if you have a secret desire for something.

I'll never forget going shopping with one of my Platonic male friends, something I rarely do, but we were out and stopped into a department store. We separated when I went into Jewelry but found him sniffing around the counters where they had men's scents on display.  How he lingered and used that time to tell me which one he liked. Hint! (Yes, I went back and bought it for him.)

Ties, socks, aftershave, clothes: Maybe good for dear old dad or your brother, but generally not for your friends, and NO, NO, NO - not for your lover or boyfriend. No - don't even buy him a sweater. 

Here's a list of things I think are good gifts for special men, be it for this holiday or for a birthday coming up.

A sturdy classic UMBRELLA . Don't laugh!  I'm not listing this just because this month is about the joys of inclement weather. He may loose it, but you should still buy one that could last a lifetime if he doesn't.  Check out this best of list: NEWYORK MAG/ STATEGIST/BEST UMBRELLAS 2021 I favor the ones big enough for two to walk under together that resist heavy wind.

A CLASSIC PICNIC HAMPER in which you have put in something you baked or cooked yourself. Consider the  AMISH BASKETS : HANDMADE THE OLD WAY

A GRILL, Maybe outdoors he can be a Master Chef?  Consider these as rated by Good Housekeeping. GOOD HOUSEKEEPING: OUTDOOR GRILLS 2021

The following items from THE SMITHSONIAN : GIFTS FOR MEN

The Castle Marquetry 8-game Wooden Game Box, the Scrabble set, Clue, Monopoly, or Chutes and Ladders, or one of the Mineral Globe Paper Weight are all good. (It helps if he played these games as a child.)

Electronics are tricky. They tend to become redundant or expire quickly.  I say take a pass.

Avoid novelty socks and ties unless he's already known renowned for wearing them. If not, they're a waste of money and will just sit in a drawer, just like the cologne in the closet.

If you are very close, HIS and HER SILK ROBES - the long ones, not the shorties, with a generous amount of fabric that can be wrapped around you while you have your breakfast can be a very cool gift. If he's your gay best friend or Metrosexual, check out these by VERSACE: ROBES

Hand wrap your present. It's OK to reuse some gently used wrapping papers, bows, and so on, but you can get inventive too and use yardage or a scarf you have around the house. If ordering, have things sent to you and then you hand deliver! 


C 2021 Mistress Manifesto BlogSpot

Friday, December 3, 2021

Thursday, December 2, 2021



After being stuck inside because of Covid-19 shutdowns and restrictions, you may wonder what I think about staying inside on purpose. Well, it's one thing to be forced to and another to choose to do all those homey things, like snuggling - even if it's just you and your dog - or staying in bed reading a good book under a warm blanket. You might also be like me and just desire some time alone without interruption. With no one else to bother or interrupt or consider, you may listen to music you haven't in a while or catch up with old friends on the phone or shut the phone off and enjoy good old fashioned silence.

I love alone time, though I don't get it as often as I'd like. Love going for a walk in the rain under a sturdy umbrella once in a while. The earth smells fresh - or wormy - and it's like being a kid again to get your boots into the puddles. As for the snow, I don't foresee living in the snow belt. It's been some time since I built a fort or snowman but I'm willing if the opportunity presents itself.

We need to make the best of our situation, whatever it is, and if travel to a warm resort or the other end of the world where it's now summer, is not in your cards, finding beauty in a snowfall, wrapping up in a warm sweater that you got out of storage, or making a slow-cooker of chili and having a couple friends over for Sunday night dinner may be just the thing to do. Count your blessings and love who you love.

Let's be open to light heartedness and fun this holiday season!


Bing Crosby singing A Cold Cold Winter

Wednesday, December 1, 2021