Friday, December 24, 2021



The other day I was thinking that I'M LIKE YOU. I really wondered how I would make it through the year because of the dramatic effect Covid-19 has had on our economy, our culture, our relationships.  What or who as NOT been effected?  

Are you one of the people whose relationship got stressed or ended because of too much time spent together or, just the opposite, too much time apart? How has the pandemic effected the way you see life?

Here we are at the end of the year, with the holidays upon us. Traditionally a more busy time, with family, friends, and celebrations. Though we can theoretically do it any time - a new month, a new moon, a solstice, a celebration - it seems to me that there is a psychological effect to a New Year, a turn of the page on the calendar.

Congratulate yourself for doing as well as you have.  Lend a hand to those who need some help. Express gratitude where it is deserved. Give yourself a hug.


Big Band Sound - Claude Thornhill and His Orchestra

This is the kind of music I like to listen to in the kitchen as I try a new recipe.

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