Monday, December 20, 2021


 I loved this film, circa 1997, because it's about friendship, something we all need to have a good life. Julia Roberts plays Julianne Potter, a liberated career woman with a long term Platonic Friendship that began as an affair but ripened into Best Friends.  Not much was happening for her or her friend Dermot, played by Michael O'Neal (who you want) so what a shock when he finds himself in love with the younger, innocent but unjaded, sweet but gutsy Kimberly, played by Cameron Diaz. After being a bitch and making a fool of herself, Julia must accept, things are never going to be the same. Luckily she has a friend in George, played by Rupert Everett, as well.  He's what every heterosexual woman needs; a gay man friend who loves her unconditionally and knows men better than she does. There are plenty of LOL moments in this film, and you might even find yourself singing out loud, so it's a treat.

After you watch it, call you Best Friend!


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