Friday, April 9, 2021



In the United States call 407-300-8971

Started by a couple in Florida, now with international reach, BIKERS AGAINST TRAFFICKING began operating in 2016.   EVERY THIRTY SECONDS SOMEONE BECOMES A NEW VICTIM OF TRAFFICKING.

EXCERPT:  We help extricate those stuck in the life, we provide counseling - help- resources and are in the process of raising money to provide housing for those who have survived.  We also have a specialized part of BAT that works behind the scenes to eliminate the demand side.

Modern day slavery, or human trafficking exists whenever people are bought and sold for forced labor, organs, forced marriage, and commercial sex.

Missy here : Note that the definition of slavery is not only about sex trafficking. My understanding is that many of the people who pick our crops are enslaved. In some places, a person might be forced to have surgery to remove one or more of their organs to be sold, and forced marriage is part of some cultures...

I like that the stereotype of bikers is totally busted by these people.

Please understand that slaves are moved around and sold at big gatherings such as biker meet ups. Bikers Against Trafficking people are a presence at meets. That's terrific!

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