Wednesday, July 29, 2020


Hi Missy,

I'm divorced and it's been a while since I met anyone new.  I would like to eventually remarry but first things first.  Where do I go (as if there were no Coronavirus-19 to consider) to meet rich men?


Hi Alice,

So make a list of the things you like to do, things that make you happy or engaged with life.  Attend events and do activities in person - not online where fantasy relationships and the avoidance of meeting another person happen way too often and not only string along your hopes but waste your time. That is my answer pre-Coronavirus-19.  As I write this, I know that our medical experts and scientists have been working so fast to find the answers - vaccinations, immunity tests, etc.

As for rich men, you know they are everywhere, especially because some men who are not rich will become rich and others who are rich will not be able to continue being financially successful or loose everything. But I understand, we all need money.

MARINAS - Best if you don't get sea sick.
(One friend walks her dogs at a Marina once a week.  Go on landlubber dates a while before you get on a boat with a man or people you don't know well.)




SOME ANIMAL CHARITIES (Elephants and Hippos, for instance)  Volunteering at the local animal shelter.



HORSE RACING and POLO and EQUESTRIAN EVENTS (Often open to the public without having to be the member of a club or pay a fortune for entrance.)

ADVENTURE TRAVEL with groups : Avoid cruises. It's often mostly families or women traveling and there is food, food, and more food. A white water rafting trip is more like it.)

BOOK CLUBS (in person, not on line) so long as the discussion is about literature and not bodice-ripper romance novels. See how many men show up early on.

ART GALLERY OPENING SHOWS or art walks or gallery hoping with a group.

PRIVATE CLUBS : If you go to a sports event, try to watch the game from the club house.  I don't think sports bars are a great place to meet men. There's too much drinking, they have their regulars, and most of the people there are there to watch the game.  

But if you truly love the sport and are a fan and can follow the game and talk the players you can give it a try.  Still you must distinguish yourself as not "just one of the boys".

RESTAURANTS /LUNCH : If you go out to lunch alone or with a friend - sometimes an office mate - if you're on a budget - it's worth going to the more expensive place and bag lunching it other days to stay in budget.  Look around the room and see if there are any men dining there.  Is it too much business?  Are any of the men who are lunching coming over to introduce themselves to you or any of the other women you're with?  Don't become a lunch regular at any one place.  Seek out other opportunities to lunch and meet. It used to be that men would have a waiter send over a drink asking to be introduced to women.  It's OK to say no to the drink but do look to see who sent it, nod or make eye contact, or say thanks.  You can ask the waiter to get the person's card.  (Everyone should have a card that has their name and personal phone number on it which is personal card rather than a business card. You're not going to call a person at their work to have a personal conversation.)  

VOLUNTEER EVENTS - CHARITY EVENTS : Despite the criticism that it's all about dressing expensively and rubber chicken dinners there is a lot of meeting and mating going on by people who volunteer and people who donate to and go to charity events.


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