Friday, July 24, 2020


A few days I posted what I learned watching an old 20/20 television interview of Judith Campbell Exner, considered to be a Mistress of President John F. Kennedy in the early 1960's on YouTube.  Judith provided evidence of her story during this featured program that was run in December of 1996 - many years after she and Kennedy ended their relationship in December 1962.

She said they never had to sneak around.

She called him at the White House over 70 times.  Her name is recorded.  She visited him there.  He gave her the gift of a diamond and ruby broach.  He sent her tickets to his Inauguration as President but she didn't go.  She called the tickets evidence that he was "reckless."*

As for her messages in plain business or manila envelopes that she never peaked into between J.F.K. and Sam before his election, she says she thought they had a mutual plan to get rid of Cuba's Fidel Castro, the revolutionary who had taken over that island country where the Mafia had made a fortune at casinos.  They had been thrown out of Cuba and wanted back in.  Getting rid of Castro, from other sources (see Mistress of the Month Marita Lorenz Mistress of the Month in May 2915. ) did not necessarily mean killing him?

Columnist Liz Smith, a respected journalist at the time, was asked by other women interviewers if she believed Judith, if she though the Kennedy-Mafia-Castro story was true and she said in her opinion it was.  It angered me that Judith had to be questioned as to her truthfulness of a nationally broadcast television show by other women.

Eleven months before the Dallas, Texas assassination of President John. F. Kennedy,  Judith Campbell went to the White House one last time to see Jack.  It was December 1962.  Their relationship had run its course.

*The term reckless as well as the term "risk taking" I've heard or read many times about this President, but also "compartmentalized has been used.  One gets the impression he was not reckless as a President but in his personal life.  Was she not reckless in being a courier between him and Sam Giancana?

Notes are from the 20/20 television Interview of Judith Campbell Exner

C 2020 Mistress Manifesto BlogSpot

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