Monday, September 30, 2019


In the past here at MISTRESS MANIFESTO BLOGSPOT, I've dedicated months to Monica Lewinsky, Sally Hemings, Carrie Phillips, Elizabeth L. Ray, Madeleine Duncan Brown, who you may associate with President William Jefferson Clinton, President Thomas Jefferson, President Warren Harding, Congressman Wayne Hays, President Lyndon Baines Johnson.  Also Karin Stafford, once mistress of politician preacher Jesse Jackson, who once wanted the Presidency.  As well as Reille Hunter, mistress of John Edwards!

I've tagged these posts Political Mistresses (and you can use that tag to search for the posts in the archives.)

I featured Karin in May 2011, Madeleine in November 2011, Monica (an honorary mistress) in March 2012, Carrie in November 2012, and Elizabeth in November 2016: guess November elections always make me think of politics and politicians.  You can check the archives or run a search within this blog for these past posts!

So for the next two months I'll be electing two women who were not just "office wives" to one particular President, but more.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Saturday, September 28, 2019


Looking through the unpublished comments, which are not spam, but never the less I can't publish, I have so many thoughts.  I get it that someone has made an effort to post a comment, but in PAGES I explain my policy about publishing.

In March of 2014 I posted about JIM MORRISON's two wives.

The post that seems to get the most comments is the question of which woman, Pamela Courson, or Patricia Kennealy (who has gone by Patricia Kennealy-Morrison) was the rock star - poet Jim Morrison of the group The Doors, wife.  By having a  wedding ceremony of the Wiccan faith with Patricia but no known ceremony with Pamela, who Morrison lived off and on with (some saying he rented her their apartment but chose to live alone in a motel) it's confusing. Why didn't he marry his special girl Pamela?  Could it be because he already married Patricia? 

When I spent an entire weekend reading Patricia's memoir and taking notes I believed Patricia, who has lived with condemnation for many years but also was a consultant and briefly appeared (as the witch minister in the wedding scene) of Oliver Stone's film The Doors.  In trying to be fair in one month's time on this blog, I also mentioned a memoir that had been published by a woman named Judy Huddleston about her relationship with Jim Morrison which went on for years and when he likely was involved with Pamela Courson and/or Patricia Kennealy.  Of consideration is also the time and place of these 1960's relationships which was about Rock and Roll, hippies, sexual revolution, feminism, groupies, experimentation with drugs, and well, unconventional. Pamela Courson must have known Jim "strayed" but didn't seem to care. Or maybe their relationship was Open.  I admitted Pamela was not alive to tell her side of the story if she wanted to.

Meanwhile, someone has lifted a bit of text from another woman named Janet (who is considered something of a whistle blower against Patricia Kennealy) hoping to post it to my site.

See here!  If Janet herself wishes to comment and the comment comes in such a way that I am sure it's Janet, and it's not targeting or harassing, then I'll consider posting it. There are plenty of Jim Morrison and The Doors fan sites for people to take sides about WHO THEY BELIEVE, but I'm sans comments that are of interest to my readers. 

For instance, here we are interested and what makes a Mistress in addition to or rather than a Wife.  For years I've provided so very many different examples, so very many different people - mostly women - who have shared men.

For instance, no one is taking a side against Jim Morrison for being promiscuous, a womanizer, or having multiple simultaneous relationships, or what part he had in being irresponsible, selfish, or hurting others. 

Why be hard on the women?  

It's wrong to expect women to be the ones holding to old fashioned morality when the men are not!   Don't hang the witch here: a person fans are unwilling to condemn as a liar is Jim Morrison!  Excuses: he was an artiste, a poet, a rock star, a talent, a genius, a drunk, a druggie, he didn't KNOW what he was doing!  (Ah, was he all grown up?)  Oh, and by the way, I do listen to The Door's music once in a while.

A woman who feels herself spurned, especially after a pregnancy / abortion, might be up for a cat fight, but why are so many WOMEN alive today more interested in prolonging a cat fight that one day or week in Hollywood Patricia had with Pamela?


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All Rights Reserved

Tuesday, September 24, 2019


I would love my readers to leave the names of SPANISH (or "Hispanic") Mistresses, including women in Spain, Mexico, Central and South America, preferable with references to articles or books about these people. This is a subject that is sadly neglected at Mistress Manifesto BlogSpot. Now, there may be some literature out there published in Spanish that I can't read without a translator, but if the work is on Google Books, that might work!  Another option might be books read on YouTube videos, or YouTube Documentaries.

When I look at my stats and see the countries that my readers are coming from, well, I just know there are many people reading (perhaps secretly) in Spain and Spanish speaking countries!


Friday, September 20, 2019


Update February 4, 2020 Listened to a recent Interview of Edward Snowden on YouTube in which he was asked about his personal life, which of course includes Lindsey.  He called her the love of his life and was entirely honorable in his thankfulness that she had stuck by him through everything.  Notable was that he said there wasn't actually a wedding but rather some paperwork was signed.  This leads me to think they had a civil union in Russia.  He said someday there would be an actual wedding.  The one thing I disagree with is his idea that Lindsey had been portrayed as a sexy pole dancer (or stripper) when this was actually a popular form of exercise for women these days.  I've seen many images that Lindsey herself designed, posed for, took with a camera, and posted and very many of them are suggestive and playing with sexuality.  She has an athletic dancers body but the same photos taken by a more voluptuous figure would undoubtedly be considered even more sexy. - Missy


Update September 17, 2019: In May of 2017 - a little more than two years ago - I elected Lindsay Mills, the beautiful dancer, photographer, blogger, and world traveler, and long time "girlfriend" of Edward Snowden, self exiled in Russia, as an Honorary Mistress of the Month. 


Along with the publication of Edward Snowden's new book, called Permanent Record, in interviews Edward called Lindsey his wife.  According to reports in The Guardian as well as Russian media - TASS - It turns out they married two years ago - date unknown. Edward says he met Lindsay online when he was 22 years old. He says she is the love of his life. After a courtship of over a decade - interrupted due to his whistle blowing and self imposed exile in Russia - the couple is married. Snowden reportedly lives in Moscow and previously news services reported the lived together - but also that Lindsey was a world traveler - suggesting she was not in Moscow all the time.  Before I posted this update I learned that the United States is suing Edward Snowden for the contents of his book are supposed to reveal more secrets.  It's my opinion he will never be back in the United States in his lifetime, at least not willingly. I hope he can move on to France or Germany as he once hoped simply because I personally feel I could not live in Russia myself.  I also hope he and Lindsay will continue to love one another throughout this lifetime.  I'd love to know if she is staying in Russia and if she has applied for citizenship there.

Everyone needs love.  And if it were not for the extraordinary and historic scandal attached to Snowden, I'd think of them as having a rather typical techie meets artiste relationship.

To me their relationship proves that Mistresses do sometimes get to marry the men they love. They are not always "homewreckers" nor are they always women used to get through a man's divorce and then thrown to the curb. Though the word Mistress gets used (and misused) to define many kinds of relationships, in particular celebrity driven media tends to out women who've had as little as a one-nighter as "Mistresses," the idea that a woman is only a Mistress if she is involved with a Married Man and that adultery is a component is out. Lindsay's mysterious financial means is and was compelling as is and was her ability to travel with and without Edward.



Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Tuesday, September 17, 2019


Common law marriage goes like this : depending on the place (county/state/county) where you have lived in the same house with someone you never legally married, after some time, where you are recognized as a couple by the community, and may have spawned, you're considered married anyway.  I believe seven years is the average.

It can still go against you to "just live" with another person.

Spousal Social Security benefits as well as Spousal Military Benefits are a question. Inheritance is a question.

Consider a friend of mine, I'll call Connie, who lived for years with a man, I'll call Herb, who became rich creating music for a well known cartoon series. She still says he was the love of her life though he died without protecting her by buying her property or putting her in his will. His children came and kicked her out of the house they shared within a week of the funeral and took the car she had driven. She ended up near homeless until one of her siblings provided the money for her to get into a cheap rental.  

This man, knowing she loved him, had retired and lived on immense residuals. He wanted a playmate. He encouraged her to quit her job so they could "just hang out and be together."  

I saw her the other day. I knew the shock and depression she had suffered had resulted in a forty pound weight loss and Connie is a small person so she was skeletal. Close to 70 years old she's going to a tech school to retrain and re-enter the working world. Bless her. School has helped her snap out of the deep depression and grief she was in for a couple years. During that time she'd been unable to eat and now she was learning to create gourmet feasts.

The strength of protection due to marriage is such that gay people have campaigned to be granted the right to marry.  I'm all for the right for gay people to marry.  I wonder if marrying more than one person will someday be legal.

Of course, for our purposes here at MISTRESS MANIFESTO BLOGSPOT, considering that a person can only legally be married to one person at a time or be a bigamist and so a criminal, we wonder about loving more than one person at a time, as well as being "married" to more than one person at a time, stereotypically a Wife and Mistress at one time.  I do believe that a person can love more than one person at the same time, though it can be confusing because there is so much pressure to pick one.

Another of my friends revealed to me that when her uncle died, her dad's partner in a construction business, there was a reading of the will like you see on a soap opera.  A small crowd assembled, each person "named" in the will. In the back, sitting wearing all black and a big hat, was a woman with two small children. The relatives stretched their necks to take a look. Who was that woman?  They soon learned.  Her uncle used his will to explain to his family that he had this long time mistress and that the children were his.  He wanted his money to be split between his wife and this woman, his children with his wife and his children with the mistress.  It was a shock to them all.  I have no idea how it went.

So I feel that if you are living with a person who WILL NOT COMMIT to MARRIAGE, you should ask yourself where this might end you financially. Mistresses have long sought their financial security in jewelry and collectibles, antiques and paintings, but most of all - and perhaps most intelligently - real estate in their own names.

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Friday, September 13, 2019

Tuesday, September 10, 2019


According to Wikipedia, "Lucas wrote his will, died a couple months later, and he gave his art to Henry Walters (not his niece Bertha) but with the understanding that the collection would go to the Maryland Institute for the Promotion of Mechanic Arts (MICA), which had been destroyed in 1904 during a great fire.  But in 1933 most of the art went to the BALTIMORE MUSEUM OF ART on a loan.  Today it is part of the permanent collection of the Baltimore Museum of Art and the Walters Art Museum.



Sunday, September 8, 2019

Saturday, September 7, 2019



For forty years Lucas and M lived almost as husband and wife and he acted as stepfather to her only son, Eugene.  By the 1880's some of their friends called Octavia Josephine Marchand "Mrs. Lucas."  He felt if he left her nothing it would break her heart, but then she burned up in a fire in Lucas' Paris apartment, which was right next door to the one he rented for her, and thousands of art objects escaped - as did he. Lucas was shattered and shocked by the sudden death of M, but when she died in 1909, the question was what, if anything would go to Eugene.  Eugene, who was married and had several children, was gifted the country house and some furnishings. George Lucas signed his last will on October 23rd, 1909.  By this time he was a well known and respected collector of art and had acted as an agent for wealthy people who collected.  It was understood his health was failing and his art collection was wanted by others. 

His niece Bertha Lucas seemed to head up a plot, along with his clients Walters and Frick, to get the collection to Baltimore.  Bertha wanted to be the principal beneficiary of his estate and she was a high society American who wrote a column for the newspaper, the Baltimore Sun.  She first visited Lucas, who had lived in France for decades and had never returned to America, in May of 1896.  When it came to the love of art, she was his kindred spirit and not just his kin, but according to the author, Stanley Mazaroff, in his book 'A Paris Life - A Baltimore Treasure,' she may have started stealing for herself.

By 1906 Lucas was bedridden with arthritis and Frick and Bertha Lucas blamed M and his son, ridiculously, for the old man's condition, saying he was neglected. Actually M had her own health issues and the couple were increasingly unable to care for each other.

In the Chapter of the book called 'The Final Years" Mazaroff writes that Frick and Bertha Lucas considered M "a hopelessly helpless woman who was incapable of rendering him (Lucas) any services." (page 155).  They also didn't like Lucas' support of Eugene. Though his mother and Lucas had never married, he certainly had long been treated as a stepson.

Lucas also died in 1909, just a couple months after he signed his last will.

In the end, the collection went to Baltimore.

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Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Monday, September 2, 2019


Image result for a paris life a baltimore treasure

The bulk of the information in this art collection lover's book is in chapter seven called 'M, Eugene, and Maud.' The book serves as the primary reference for this month's post.

George Aloysius Lucas went to West Point and also trained as a civil engineer but went to Paris in 1957 where he found his profession and calling as a collector of art and agent to other collectors. He was born in 1824 and died after M did in 1900.  According to Wikipedia, at his death, he owned 19000 prints, 300 paintings, and 170 bronze sculptures.  


Born about 1833 - Died 1909

George Aloysius Lucas, who would one day become famous as an art collector who gifted Baltimore, never married or had children of his own, but he had a mistress for decades, living almost as husband and wife for 40 years, and he hid her so well, it's primarily his diary that gives evidence of their relationship.  Not one to blurt, he simply called her M. Were it not that his closest friends, often artists who also had mistresses in France, and their mistresses too, knew of her, we might not know M existed, unable to infer much of anything from his sparse recordings.

Octavia Josephine Marchand was a married woman with a child whose husband seems to have left her in France while he lived in England.  When this husband died, if he knew of her relationship with Lucas, if the two ever divorced, her motivations for staying with Lucas - all of this is unknown - making 'M' another mysterious muse of a mistress.  Possibly she modeled for two of the paintings that dressed the walls of the country house they eventually bought. The images that are possibly M are Charles Baugniet's "Skating" and Alfred Alboy-Rebovet's "Figure in Blue."  We know so little of her that we don't actually know what she looks like. 

In 1857 Lucas' notations recorded in his diary indicate that they were introduced at a dinner by a mutual friend, possibly her best male friend.

She was 24 years old, married but separated from a husband - officially or not - who lived in London, had a three year old son, Eugene, and was considered a "lorette." The pair did go out on the town to concerts, strolls through parts, and museums, but perhaps they claimed to be friends.  By July of 1858 they were likely lovers.  (And I personally wonder if perhaps her legal husband married her to cover his homosexuality - pure speculation on my part.)

The year 1857 the controversial book Madame Bovery by Gustave Flaubert had been published and society was shocked - or claimed to be - and Flaubert was roasted for not turning the story of adultery into a morality tale. Supposedly even sophisticated Paris thought of women as either wives or prostitutes, or maybe virgins or whores?  This double standard meant that a married woman with a child who had an affair was considered a criminal while the man she had the affair with was simply immoral. Lucas, born in Baltimore Maryland, trained as a civil engineer, had come to Paris after not much success in general in America, and he found his profession and his calling in collecting art, sometimes purchased directly from artists who would someday be famous. His closest friends included the artist Jimmy Whistler  (known for portraits such as "Whistler's Mother), who had a mistress named Joanna Hiffernan and then a mistress named Maud Franklin; both of these mistresses liked M. Lucas loved his life in France and would never return to American though he bought art for many Americans.

As a lorette, M could be introduced to his closest friends but not his family.  It's thought that he kept the existence of M and their relationship hidden in order to maintain an impeccable reputation with his American clients first and foremost.  And so there are no letters between them to be found, no photos, sculptures, or other images - expect possibly the already mentioned paintings. 

Was she simply a beautiful woman to show off to his friends or did he love her?  Evidence of love is that in August 1880 when she went to London to visit her ailing husband and wouldn't say for sure when or if she would return, he recorded in his diary that he was heartbroken. He wrote to her urging her to return and she did a week after the mother and son departed.

He sought a country house for them to share as a family and found one in Boissise in August 1866 but it would take years before it was completely paid for, remodeled, and decorated.  And then it became the home that hosted a great many friends. He took M and Eugene all to his favorite place called La Maison Blanche for a month in 1868 and so you could say they were out as a couple.

1870 was the Franco-Prussian war and there is no mention of her in his diaries and so it's possible that the couple split up - lived separately during that time.  It wasn't until 1873 that the house was complete and by 1875 maybe the whole Flaubert scandal behind them, Lucas began to entertain including American artists at the house, revealing himself and his relationship to more people.  Still in the fall they would go live at 41 rue de l'Arc de Triomphe in adjoining apartments, Lucas paying the rent on hers - the two front doors adjoined.  There on the 4th floor in the apartments - including hers - Lucas kept his collections in cabinets, armoires, and cardboard boxes. The apartments held prints, drawings, watercolors, oils, letters and photos of the artists, this and that.  There were hundreds.  He was earning a good income on commissions as he sought out and sold art for collectors.

In Paris Lucas lived the life of a wealthy businessman outwardly but his heart was in the Fontainebleau Countryside where he had vineyards and a Bohemian atmosphere went on and other unmarried people were open in their relationships.  Artists Rousseau and Millet  who lived in nearby villages openly had mistresses.  His frind Huntington, a journalist, brought around Angele Allaine,his mistress and after he died Lucas supported her for a couple months in 1885.

Eugene was treated as a son by Lucas and the two became close.  in 1874 he left France for college.  College completed, he returned to Paris.  Lucas loaned him money to start up as a civil engineer in London but eventually he was back to Paris. In 1886 Eugene was 32 years old and got married.  His five children were treated well by Lucas who paid the rent on a family home for them and they frequently came to dinner.

By 1904 both Lucas and M were in failing health and, as seriously ill as she was, they could not care for each other.  Their last trip to the country house was in 1897. Lucas gifted the country house to Eugene for his family  and still Eugene came to Paris to visit.  Meanwhile the Maryland Institute wanted the collection of art. There had been a fire in 1904 and then a half million raised and a Neoclassical building designed to house an art collection. M died in 1909 so she could not be the heir to the collection. Eugene was the likely candidate but this was not meant to be. This is where, perhaps not surprisingly, a plot was hatched. His last will was written October 23, 1909.

To let you hang on that cliff just a bit, let's just say that the death of M left Lucas shattered.  She burned to death in his apartment and he is said to have escaped by miracle as did thousands of art objects.  (Perhaps a murder mystery is implied?)  His relative's machinations to get that art to Baltimore had become mean spirited for they blamed M and hated her. 

C 2019 Mistress Manifesto Blogspot  All Rights Reserved.
This post was edited due to formatting issue on September 9, 2019 and due to not holding corrections on September 17, 2019.

Sunday, September 1, 2019