Saturday, September 28, 2019


Looking through the unpublished comments, which are not spam, but never the less I can't publish, I have so many thoughts.  I get it that someone has made an effort to post a comment, but in PAGES I explain my policy about publishing.

In March of 2014 I posted about JIM MORRISON's two wives.

The post that seems to get the most comments is the question of which woman, Pamela Courson, or Patricia Kennealy (who has gone by Patricia Kennealy-Morrison) was the rock star - poet Jim Morrison of the group The Doors, wife.  By having a  wedding ceremony of the Wiccan faith with Patricia but no known ceremony with Pamela, who Morrison lived off and on with (some saying he rented her their apartment but chose to live alone in a motel) it's confusing. Why didn't he marry his special girl Pamela?  Could it be because he already married Patricia? 

When I spent an entire weekend reading Patricia's memoir and taking notes I believed Patricia, who has lived with condemnation for many years but also was a consultant and briefly appeared (as the witch minister in the wedding scene) of Oliver Stone's film The Doors.  In trying to be fair in one month's time on this blog, I also mentioned a memoir that had been published by a woman named Judy Huddleston about her relationship with Jim Morrison which went on for years and when he likely was involved with Pamela Courson and/or Patricia Kennealy.  Of consideration is also the time and place of these 1960's relationships which was about Rock and Roll, hippies, sexual revolution, feminism, groupies, experimentation with drugs, and well, unconventional. Pamela Courson must have known Jim "strayed" but didn't seem to care. Or maybe their relationship was Open.  I admitted Pamela was not alive to tell her side of the story if she wanted to.

Meanwhile, someone has lifted a bit of text from another woman named Janet (who is considered something of a whistle blower against Patricia Kennealy) hoping to post it to my site.

See here!  If Janet herself wishes to comment and the comment comes in such a way that I am sure it's Janet, and it's not targeting or harassing, then I'll consider posting it. There are plenty of Jim Morrison and The Doors fan sites for people to take sides about WHO THEY BELIEVE, but I'm sans comments that are of interest to my readers. 

For instance, here we are interested and what makes a Mistress in addition to or rather than a Wife.  For years I've provided so very many different examples, so very many different people - mostly women - who have shared men.

For instance, no one is taking a side against Jim Morrison for being promiscuous, a womanizer, or having multiple simultaneous relationships, or what part he had in being irresponsible, selfish, or hurting others. 

Why be hard on the women?  

It's wrong to expect women to be the ones holding to old fashioned morality when the men are not!   Don't hang the witch here: a person fans are unwilling to condemn as a liar is Jim Morrison!  Excuses: he was an artiste, a poet, a rock star, a talent, a genius, a drunk, a druggie, he didn't KNOW what he was doing!  (Ah, was he all grown up?)  Oh, and by the way, I do listen to The Door's music once in a while.

A woman who feels herself spurned, especially after a pregnancy / abortion, might be up for a cat fight, but why are so many WOMEN alive today more interested in prolonging a cat fight that one day or week in Hollywood Patricia had with Pamela?


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