Tuesday, September 17, 2019


Common law marriage goes like this : depending on the place (county/state/county) where you have lived in the same house with someone you never legally married, after some time, where you are recognized as a couple by the community, and may have spawned, you're considered married anyway.  I believe seven years is the average.

It can still go against you to "just live" with another person.

Spousal Social Security benefits as well as Spousal Military Benefits are a question. Inheritance is a question.

Consider a friend of mine, I'll call Connie, who lived for years with a man, I'll call Herb, who became rich creating music for a well known cartoon series. She still says he was the love of her life though he died without protecting her by buying her property or putting her in his will. His children came and kicked her out of the house they shared within a week of the funeral and took the car she had driven. She ended up near homeless until one of her siblings provided the money for her to get into a cheap rental.  

This man, knowing she loved him, had retired and lived on immense residuals. He wanted a playmate. He encouraged her to quit her job so they could "just hang out and be together."  

I saw her the other day. I knew the shock and depression she had suffered had resulted in a forty pound weight loss and Connie is a small person so she was skeletal. Close to 70 years old she's going to a tech school to retrain and re-enter the working world. Bless her. School has helped her snap out of the deep depression and grief she was in for a couple years. During that time she'd been unable to eat and now she was learning to create gourmet feasts.

The strength of protection due to marriage is such that gay people have campaigned to be granted the right to marry.  I'm all for the right for gay people to marry.  I wonder if marrying more than one person will someday be legal.

Of course, for our purposes here at MISTRESS MANIFESTO BLOGSPOT, considering that a person can only legally be married to one person at a time or be a bigamist and so a criminal, we wonder about loving more than one person at a time, as well as being "married" to more than one person at a time, stereotypically a Wife and Mistress at one time.  I do believe that a person can love more than one person at the same time, though it can be confusing because there is so much pressure to pick one.

Another of my friends revealed to me that when her uncle died, her dad's partner in a construction business, there was a reading of the will like you see on a soap opera.  A small crowd assembled, each person "named" in the will. In the back, sitting wearing all black and a big hat, was a woman with two small children. The relatives stretched their necks to take a look. Who was that woman?  They soon learned.  Her uncle used his will to explain to his family that he had this long time mistress and that the children were his.  He wanted his money to be split between his wife and this woman, his children with his wife and his children with the mistress.  It was a shock to them all.  I have no idea how it went.

So I feel that if you are living with a person who WILL NOT COMMIT to MARRIAGE, you should ask yourself where this might end you financially. Mistresses have long sought their financial security in jewelry and collectibles, antiques and paintings, but most of all - and perhaps most intelligently - real estate in their own names.

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