Friday, May 31, 2019


Image result for public domain  genital mutilation
This image is a work of an employee of the Government Accountability Office or a predecessor organization, taken or made as part of that person's official duties. As a work of the U.S. federal government, the image is in the public domain in the United States.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019



Missy, Shouldn't everyone be interested in making the best of their appearance?  Shouldn't everyone try to be beautiful so they can have a easier time in relationships?

Las Vegas


Only God knows the stats!  Beauty probably has it's advantages, and yes we should all try to look our best, though that often has to do with cultivating style, since most people aren't  beautiful by nature.  It seems to me that some of the most beautiful women in the world have had a terrible time with men.  I think beautiful women attract more men and may have their pick but they still have to pick.  They may also be chosen only for their beauty and be obsessed with keeping it.

If you're beautiful, don't fail to develop your personality, your talents and abilities, as well.

A person with a good personality has more advantages than a good looking person with a bad one.


Monday, May 27, 2019



Kola Boof's story of violence in her personal life from the time she was a child is painful.  She is of Egyptian and Sudanese heritage.  I found this organization which intends to create peace in the Sudan.

EXCERPT:  Sudan's 21 year civil war left two million people dead and split the country in two. Weapons are everywhere in the countryside and inter-communal battles occur with frightening regularity.

Simple disputes over water rights, farmland or cattle theft can leave scores dead and breed local hostilities with wider implications.

The continued bombing by the Sudanese Air Force of villages under the control of the Sudan People's Liberation Army - North results in the deaths of many civilians.

The UN (United Nations) estimates that 100,000 people have fled into neighboring South Sudan.  The growth of weapons in the region along with existing armed groups destabilizes communities and entrenches cycles of revenge.

Saturday, May 25, 2019


If you're wondering if Kola Boof survived the violence that happened to her, that she participated in, and that she generated, well, she went on to have a relationship and two sons.  Her book, Diary of A Lost Girl, speaks to them.

They went into Government Protection after 9/11 and this man she had sons with left her.  (Page 309)

"In so  many ways your father saved my life with his love."

Now the following may surprise my readers.

Kola admits she lied to this man that she was a virgin when they met.
She needed the tenderness of a first time every time she had sex due to her infibulation.  While pregnant she insisted that the father of her sons have a "co-wives."  She allowed him to have sex with young African college girls who needed free room and board to live in as her friend, handmaiden.  And at first he was against the practice.  (Page 318)

YET she says:
"I am completely against the practice of women sharing men."

Well, she accepted this as a pregnant women.  She thinks now it would be smarter for women to have multiple boyfriends.  (Page 319)

Womanist now, Kola Boof, says that it is still socially acceptable for women to be sex trafficked and enslaved.

Today she is an advocate for the dark skinned Black Woman.  She warns Black American women to not accept man sharing.  Perhaps she is more qualified than most women because of her extraordinary painful background - her nightmare.

C 2019 Mistress Manifesto BlogSpot  All Rights Reserved
Diary of a Lost Girl by Kola Boof is the primary reference for this month's post.

Thursday, May 23, 2019


A sort of love triangle with Osama Bin Laden and another man, Hasan al-Turabi, the leader of the National Islamic Front,  possibly the most powerful man in the Sudan then, happened.  But at first Kola Boof  (then Naima) didn't know the two men were friendly.  She'd been his mistress in 1995, a year earlier. He had a son Isam who also desired her.

But the one night of romance she had with the son was the end of it.  He expected sexual servitude and had intense energy towards her. She thought this emotion was a mix of lust, racial hate, exotica, ideation, and power-over-a-child syndrome.

Should she tell Osama?

She did. She said she had been at Hasan al Turabi's the prior year.  

He had horribly abused her verbally and had punched her and broken her nose and fractured her rib.  At the hospital the police and nurses found a way to dismiss her complaints because they didn't want trouble for themselves.

But what had ended her relationship with Osama Bin Laden was a fight Naima had with another woman in which she became crazed and stabbed a man.  The fight brought Osama to her side with a present again.  And now she was pregnant with his child. (Page 210)

Osama figured she was in love with Isam.

So he was violent with her later and even wanted her to wear a dog collar and leash so he could parade her around as a sex slave in front of Isam.  He thought this was funny.

A White woman who was assigned to be her maid but was an informant may have been involved in feeding Naima poison so that she miscarried.

Finally Naima told Osama that their relationship was unfair to her.  She didn't like the way he took over her life.  She wanted to go back to America.  And he agreed.  He gave her traveling money and her jewels.
He was ready to replace her with a French girl anyway.

C 2019 Mistress Manifesto BlogSpot  All Rights Reserved
Excerpts are taken from Diary of a Lost Girl by Kola Boof

Wednesday, May 22, 2019


tImage result for public domain  osama bin laden

Free to use Public Domain Clip art from 
Osama Bin Laden

Monday, May 20, 2019


"God I can't lie.  The first few weeks I was genuinely excited and hopeful about my fate as his mistress.  Although I'm now a womanist who thinks it's shameful.  I remember back then feeling really beautiful and desired....  (page 174 Diary of a Lost Girl) Naima had servants, good foo0d, and awaited him to return.  She straightened her hair so he could run his hands through it.  And he gave her a ruby sapphire necklace and diamond earrings, a $300 bottle of perfume.  he seemed to be apologizing for his past behavior and scaring her. (page 175)

So let me editorialize a bit here...  Although there are mistresses who do a lot of waiting around for a visit from their man... on call for him at a moments notice... waiting for the phone to ring to summon them... To me Kola's experience is of being entrapped and isolated.... Missy

She became bored and felt trapped and watched.  She was guarded and not to leave the premises - granted it was a luxury hotel.  And only 4 days had gone by when she asked when he was going to show back up.  Turns out Osama Bin Laden had other "dependents" and so she realized she was not special but part of a harem, even if she didn't see the other women.

He was not a terrorist then or she didn't know he was.  It was 1996.

"I was a person used to being violated and then denying it."

She called him "Somi."

Saturday, May 18, 2019


She didn't know he was a terrorist. What she knew was that in 1996, in a restaurant in Morocco, the country she went to hoping to be in a film, he was "Satan come to life." (Page 157) She'd seen children in Tel Aviv, Cairo, and Kenya used as sex slaves and soldiers raping women in Sudan.

Kola had given up on Hollywood and what she called "the American Nigger media," and in Tel Aviv, Israel, she had played a topless oversexed dancing girl in low budget film. She'd done a commercial playing a "buffoon." And she had tried to commit suicide.

She was on a date in that restaurant but Osama Bin Laden had his men tell her date to split. She felt commanded.

"I was seen as a temptress and an infidel. I was a woman who dared to travel in their society alone, dressed in sensuous American clothes with my head uncovered and flaunting my Black American womanness, which they both despise and lust after..." (Pag 157).

She had no money, no resources, no man of power to speak for her.

Her fear of Obama was such that she almost cried and peed herself because she knew that men could be merciless when woman have no power. (Pg 158)

She cried, begging him not to hurt her physically, perhaps knowing he would. He said he would not but then slapped her, hating her sobs. She fled, got in her car, drove to the Sofitel Cottage where she lived comfortably with room mates. But Osama and seven of his men showed up in a posse. She talked back to him. But finally she felt to escape death she'd have to seduce him. The men were sent out of the room. She decided to cook food for him first. He smoked marijuana. He talked about his major crush on - Whitney Houston.

"I will be financing you life from now on, Naima. Simply tell Master what you need." Osama said this to Naima. At the time he had at least 25 children and several wives. But because of Naima's Blackness she could not be considered a wife candidate. He was Arab Mafia, she thought. He thought she was a top paid prostitute. She protested but he said ALL African women are prostitutes.

Sex with him was rough. He bit her mouth. A real bite - not playful. he put a velvet sack over her head. He overpowered her and asked her to scream. He liked to use his penis to hurt women and because her vagina was infibulated, he stabbed her with it. He urinated in her mouth. His men were out in the hall laughing. (Pg 164)

Episodes like these would result in Post Traumatic Stress Disorder - horrible nightmares for years.

But after this first encounter with Osama doing whatever he wanted to her, she heard orders that she was to be moved to a better location. She was moved 100 miles away to a luxury suite and given money for new clothes.  Kola says that tracking devices were put into the fillings of her teeth.

She resigned herself to it.

"He installed me in one of the most beautiful and prestigious get-aways in all of North Africa - the famed La Maison Arabe of Medina."  It was a walled city - a Moorish estate and bed and breakfast.  Celebrities such as Princess Diana and Mick Jagger had stayed there.  At the time it was being renovated by an Italian Prince who would later - and this is important - tell the United States government that she had been an unwilling Mistress.  The place was lavish. .... to be continued.

Thursday, May 16, 2019


Feeling sure that Hollywood and America had little to offer a dark skinned African woman, Kola Boof headed for Cairo, Egypt in 1994. Her father had that heritage. For some time she had several serious relationships going at the same time as she searched for love. She was young and beautiful and had already experienced being a kept woman. But she wanted to make it on her own. She became suicidal.

Once again she was kept by a man but this one wasn't like the man who she had been kept by in America for five years. She lived in luxury, but one day she returned to the penthouse where she had been living to find a letter saying that her man was ending their agreement and that she would
have to vacate so that a new mistress could move in. Perhaps to soften this blow, the man referred her to a friend who was casting a film in Morocco. It was a Biblical film... He left her a plane ticket and several thousand dollars. She got the hint.

C 2019  Mistress Manifesto BlogSpot.
This month's posts are based on Kola's memoir Diary of a Lost Girl
Which came out in 2007

Monday, May 13, 2019


I saw the article, I believe in the Daily Mail OnLine, that a property owned by CYNTHIA BECK, ex mistress of a GORDON GETTY and mother of his three daughters, had been raided and a huge catch of guns were found.

The property was not exactly abandoned, but the article I read did not figure her into this.

To my shock, when I checked on MISTRESS MANIFESTO BLOGSPOT this morning, I learned that my start page on Cynthia, who was MISTRESS OF THE MONTH here in January 2019, had received 6000 hits.

I don't research or write for or live for statistics.  In fact there have been times when I reported to Google my sense that this blog was being dinged in certain ways and Google looked into it and seems to have blocked the offending party(ies).  I feel that this months Mistress of the Month, KOLA BOOF and all my select Kept Women and Men deserve as much interest. 

Since you can find these articles, I'm not going to link to any.

My sense is that CYNTHIA and her daughters might not even be living in the United States any more.  They were recognized as Gordon Getty's children by him and due to the connection to vast wealth, I believe they may have been harrassed, but be it the unoccupied homes I live near that are broken into and used to be lived in, or Beck's homes, quite possibly all this has happened without her knowledge.  I hope so.

I welcome you to read MORE of Mistress Manifesto BlogSpot than just the CYNTHIA BECK month.


Sunday, May 12, 2019


Miss Fire Safety August 1988 of Lake Fairfax, Virginia, Naima Bint Harith, was chosen by White men for her beauty.  One of them was a married 43 year old businessman, Efrem Nelkin.  He gave her a start - as his mistress.

"At just 17, he got me my own apartment in Virginia." (page 143)

She didn't contact her parents until she was 18 and then lied that she had gotten a good job and a room mate.

Nelkin also bought her a used Volvo and she drove unlicensed. He also, respecting her literary bent, bought her loads of books. (Poet and writer Maya Angelou had become her idol.) He also bought her exotic cooking ingredients.  He wasn't an incredibly wealthy man but he showed that he cared for her with these presents.

Kola says other Black women had warned her that White men were rapists.  She knew that the slave trade had begun with the sale of women by Black Kings. She was not bothered to be with a man who was married, of another race, culture, or religion?  Kola says she felt it was wrong to be with him and felt she had betrayed another woman who was a loving mother and bearer of good will in her community.  Yet she'd had hot sex with him in the couple's marital bed while his wife was in the hospital having a hysterectomy.  (Page 153)

"So this was pure evil, you see. I had betrayed the principals of womanism.  Because a man had picked me from the tree of life and made me any pie that he liked." (Page 153)

The relationship went on for five years.

She turned 21 in March of 1993 and was feeling the need to be and do more.  She was now a citizen of the United States.  Having won the beauty contest, she thought about modeling and acting.  She was over 6 feet tall.  She thought she would go to Cairo, Egypt, the land of her father's family and could "outrun the racism of Hollywood and the American Nigger Media" (Page 131).  Few dark black women got work in America.  

Being in the Middle East lead to more pain for Naima Bint Harith (Kola Boof).

Thursday, May 9, 2019



Kola Boof doesn't stay away from controversy.  She is certainly entitled to her experience, her truth, her opinion. What do you think?

Wednesday, May 8, 2019


Kola Boof came to the United States to be adopted by a loving and intact family at the age of 8 with the name Naima Bint Harith. She had been rescued by a British couple after her parents were murdered. Her father was a light skinned Arab-Egyptian archaeologist named Harith Ben Farouk.  Her mother "mommy sweet" was Jiddi, a woman of a dark black African ethnic group. The family she had been placed with in England rejected her for being too intelligent for a girl. (!) She feels her dark color was part of that rejection. The family in the U.S. had seven other children, 3 others had been adopted. She went through some cultural shocks and so did they. When it was discovered that she was one of about 100 million African women (2007 stats) who had been subject to Female Genital Mutilation, which permanently restricts the size of a woman's vagina and will subject her to potentially painful intercourse for the rest of her life, her family was shocked. When she became an adult, they suggested she have surgery to repair but she refused.

Quote, "I think it's a misogynist ritual and an abomination against the God in women."  (Page 94)

Despite being raised in a family that wanted her - with a father - at 14 years old she was seduced by a reading skills instructor who she lost her virginity to at 17 - She thought it was love. It was a molestation and child rape. The relationship she thought was love went on for some time. He was discovered to have been doing the same with other underage teens. This lead to scandal. 

The teenage Naima was in many ways just a girl, one who loved the music of Olivia Newton-John and became a Madonna fan.  (She hates hip hop, calling it The Hip Hop Holocaust, saying it has ruined the progress of the Black Community, particularly for Black Women.)  Her ideas about what her adult life would become were unformed. She was also indulging herself in reading some excellent authors such as Alice Walker, Sylvia Plath, and Mark Twain. She never went to college but she began to write. To think of herself as a writer.

She and a girlfriend ran away from home rather than deal with the aftermath of her seduction and trial of her seducer and nilly willy got off the Greyhound bus in Lake Fairfax, Virginia.  It was a very small town that had a beauty contest.  The White men who judged it chose her to be Miss Fire Safety, August 1988.  The contest lead to her first experience of being a Mistress - a kept woman of a Jewish man.

C 2019 Mistress Manifesto BlogSpot  All Rights Reserved.

Primary reference for this post is Kola Boof's memoir.

Sunday, May 5, 2019


[Picture: The Sacrifice to the Nile.]
Picturesque Egypt Vol 2

The Sacrifice to the Nile

Thursday, May 2, 2019


Image result for diary of a lost girl  kola boof

Published in 2007, with more controversial books to follow, author Kola Boof, the woman born Naima Bint Harith, and her family received death threats and at one point had to go into government protection, because of her honesty about the brutality that she suffered and her connection to wealthy, powerful, and dangerous men which included terrorist Osama Bin Laden. She brings us to an Africa few Westerners can really try on, one in which racism (not limited to Black versus White) and Arab-Muslim tensions are hand in hand. She is a womanist, a political activist, a mother, a writer and poet.  And if you read her book, you might not be the same. Devastating would be too light a word.

An important aspect to her story is that she was as a child infibulated.  This means that her vagina was sewn to keep it small and tight.  She says still having her clitoris helped her want to live.  But normal sex is impossible for her.  She needs an especially patient and gentle lover and Bin Laden was certainly not one of the men who cared if he hurt her.  A future post will be about this practice, also called female circumcision, which is seen as a right of passage by some people on this earth, but which is seen as the ultimate control over women by many.  Those of you who have pain with intercourse might relate to the frustration she felt with sex.

Through these posts, we become familiar with - and advocate - informed choice.  Yet so many women who have become mistresses have done so because they had little to no choice. Kola Boof was a mistress to other men before she met Osama Bin Laden and had no choice. 

She was seduced and molested as an underage girl, she won a beauty contest and accepted being kept by a White Jewish American man for several years, and as an actress and model hoping to break into the business in Africa, because Hollywood is not enthusiastic about dark skinned women of African heritage, she became the mistress of another man.  She encountered women from France, from Turkey, from Italy, from all over, who were competing to be the favorite in harems of ultra-rich men like Osama - who she called Somi. Her story begs us to consider how much choice she had and how much choice anyone has.

Naima, as she called herself then, was dining out on a date in 1996 in Morocco. when Osama Bin Laden saw her and commanded her to be his.  What followed was six months of enduring and complying with his physically, emotionally, and psychologically sadistic behavior because she was afraid to be murdered. She met Satan. 

As a model and actress she was considered exotic because of her upbringing in the United States, yet was born to a mixed race couple who had been murdered over an incident in which her lesbian aunt was beaten. She was just a girl as she heard the screams and saw the bodies left on the grass and so being murdered was a very real possibility to her.  Rescued by a British couple, placed unsuccessfully with Arabic speakers in England who put her clothes out because she was too intelligent for a girl, she was then adopted by a Black family in the D.C. area who had four of their birth children and three other adoptees to love and care for.  She says she did not know how lucky she was to have a father who wanted her.

Though the first man she was mistress to - the White Jewish man - encouraged her writing and literary knowledge and encouraged her to identify herself as a writer, it was her connection to the terrorist that made her interesting to publishers. She waited out contracts with some because she knew she was not a bimbo. In her case the personal became political. She is an outspoken advocate for the dark skinned - African heritage woman all over the world and in The United States where she feels that rap music erased the progress of the 1960's and 1970's for Black Americans.

I hope I can do her justice in this review.  For she is formidable.
And I hope you will stick with me as I post about Kola Boof this month and the men she was kept by.

C 2019 Mistress Manifesto Blogspot  

Wednesday, May 1, 2019