Monday, May 27, 2019



Kola Boof's story of violence in her personal life from the time she was a child is painful.  She is of Egyptian and Sudanese heritage.  I found this organization which intends to create peace in the Sudan.

EXCERPT:  Sudan's 21 year civil war left two million people dead and split the country in two. Weapons are everywhere in the countryside and inter-communal battles occur with frightening regularity.

Simple disputes over water rights, farmland or cattle theft can leave scores dead and breed local hostilities with wider implications.

The continued bombing by the Sudanese Air Force of villages under the control of the Sudan People's Liberation Army - North results in the deaths of many civilians.

The UN (United Nations) estimates that 100,000 people have fled into neighboring South Sudan.  The growth of weapons in the region along with existing armed groups destabilizes communities and entrenches cycles of revenge.

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