Monday, May 13, 2019


I saw the article, I believe in the Daily Mail OnLine, that a property owned by CYNTHIA BECK, ex mistress of a GORDON GETTY and mother of his three daughters, had been raided and a huge catch of guns were found.

The property was not exactly abandoned, but the article I read did not figure her into this.

To my shock, when I checked on MISTRESS MANIFESTO BLOGSPOT this morning, I learned that my start page on Cynthia, who was MISTRESS OF THE MONTH here in January 2019, had received 6000 hits.

I don't research or write for or live for statistics.  In fact there have been times when I reported to Google my sense that this blog was being dinged in certain ways and Google looked into it and seems to have blocked the offending party(ies).  I feel that this months Mistress of the Month, KOLA BOOF and all my select Kept Women and Men deserve as much interest. 

Since you can find these articles, I'm not going to link to any.

My sense is that CYNTHIA and her daughters might not even be living in the United States any more.  They were recognized as Gordon Getty's children by him and due to the connection to vast wealth, I believe they may have been harrassed, but be it the unoccupied homes I live near that are broken into and used to be lived in, or Beck's homes, quite possibly all this has happened without her knowledge.  I hope so.

I welcome you to read MORE of Mistress Manifesto BlogSpot than just the CYNTHIA BECK month.


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