Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Monday, February 27, 2012


This post links to an article about finding love the second time around by Ellen Fein, one of the authors of The Rules. Mistresses who want to get married might find The Rules to be a refresher course in dating, when you are no longer Kept. You can leave a comment without an ID. All comments are reviewed for posting so if you would like me to read your comment but not post it, I shall!

Saturday, February 25, 2012


"We often choose a friend as we do a mistress - for no particular excellence in
themselves, but merely from some circumstance that flatters our self-love."

- William Hazlitt

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Tuesday, February 21, 2012


"Monica Lewinsky has attempted to keep a low-profile after her role in President Bill Clinton's impeachment scandal made her name the butt of many late-night jokes. But she's likely to become a topic of discussion again when PBS airs its much anticipated two-part, four-hour documentary on the former president, titled "Clinton."

The documentary, which premieres on PBS as part of its "American Experience" series on Monday, will shed new light on Clinton's Oval Office affair with his 23-year-old intern through interviews with some of Clinton's closest advisors, some of whom are speaking publicly about the affair for the first time."

Linking here to the Los Angeles Times article about the special.

I don't like to reveal who I'm posting on ahead of time but March 2012 will be dedicated to Monica Lewinsky...

Monday, February 20, 2012


Though we may or may not be interested in marriage, The Rules are supposed to lead a woman to marriage with a man who you are not only truly in love with, but who you've decided upon by using your intelligence and self knowledge.

You're supposed to make a dating diary so you can face it when he says things to you and then does or doesn't follow through, for instance. If you can get out there and circulate to meet men. If you can be attractive and popular, then you can play the Belle of the Ball and Play Hard To Get, so that a man will have to chase you down, never take you for granted, and reward you with marriage, a good marriage. If this isn't how you got married, you can try and start the Rules right away and see if it makes any difference in your relationship.

Although I'm sure that demanding a man leave his wife for you is not covered by the Rules, I wonder if mistresses can learn something or anything from these books which have been International best sellers. I know of several women who have given The Rules a try at some point in their lives, but the number one problem for women who are no longer in their early twenties is MEETING (ELIGIBLE) MEN in the FIRST PLACE. Sometimes, though not always, this is exactly why a woman becomes a mistress instead of a wife.

It seems that a LOT of women are sharing men, knowingly or otherwise. Some women want a man in their life in a compartmentalized way. These women may have very little time for a man or men or they don't want to come home to a man or a marriage every night. Some are free spirits. Some are frustrated. Popular culture assumes that all women want that ring.

Linking to the Top 10 Rules

C 2012 Missy Rapport / Mistress Manifesto All Rights Reserved Including Internet and International Rights. This post and all other original writing.

Friday, February 17, 2012


"Once in a while I devote my thoughts to considering my options." 

Added March 21, 2021

We often live life one day at a time, one paycheck at a time, or are simply too busy to THINK, but I think we need to reassess from time to time, check in with ourselves and affirm how we are feeling about various aspects of our lives.  We can only be true to ourselves if we know ourselves.  - Missy

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Tuesday, February 7, 2012


Dating Coaches Ellen Fein and Sherrie Schneider have made themselves famous and well to do by helping women know and follow "The Rules," which they outline in their books, seminars, and lectures. BUT DO THESE RULES "work?" ARE THEY APPLICABLE TO MISTRESSES since the jokes about these women and their take on the realities of heterosexual dating revolve around "Getting the Ring?"
A quote from their site which is linked at the title of this post.

"For most of my life, I was not a Rules girl. If a guy called, I called right back. There was no intrigue. Then, about 10 years ago, I read the book and it became my bible. — CHERYL TIEGS"

Cheryl Tiegs is a successful model of long duration and also a great business woman, who has had some long term and serious relationships in her time. For years she has been pursued by men, talented men, rich men, men, men, men. She is no ordinary woman having trouble meeting a lot of men in the first place, as seems to be the issue for so many women who are searching for husbands, following the Rules and going out to all kinds of places to be seen by and meet men.

My honest opinion is that some good relationships come out of slowing down and getting to know a person rather than rush into sexuality. And some mistresses have gotten into their relationships doing exactly that!

Following these "Rules" (which may seem arbitrary) will help you eliminate a lot of men who are not that interested in you, or are only receptive to you if you are taking the lead, allowing them to be lazy about keeping you in their lives.

But the Rules Girls are very open about NOT WANTING WOMEN IN THEIR LIVES AS GIRLFRIENDS who might not honor their marriages. So, we don't go where we are not wanted. That's one of our Rules.

THEIR goal is MARRIAGE, a good marriage, which I can bet they think will somehow eliminate any possibility of their husbands cheating on them, with one woman or many. I don't think any relationship, even where love exists, is 100% affair proof. Some mistresses want marriage too; Marriage with the man who "keeps" us without the law on our side, or some other man in our future.

How many wives are supported financially these days?

Friday, February 3, 2012


Yes, we're going to go without a Mistress of the Month a couple times this 2012 because I want to devote some time to the question of mistresses and marriage.


OK, maybe you were too young to have heard of them.

Their web site linked here.

The web site is seriously in need of updating as it appears they haven't taken down the ad for a 2008 trip to the U.K.

I got the Rules Books to read. I got them when they came out and I got them since, and at first what they're saying makes a lot of sense.

But then. Some people think that these two women authors (and dating consultants) have taken women back to the 1950's and are anti-feminist.

Others think that Ellen and Sherri's dating philosophy is good for women because women were chasing and getting dumped by men, wasting time - wasting life, because the real goal in dating is MARRIAGE. Maybe it is most of the time, but not all the time.

One of the Rules is to NEVER DATE A MARRIED MAN.

Dating a married man is considered wrong and bad because a man who cheats is supposed to be a man who will always cheat. (Could it be that a woman who is willing to be a mistress will always be a mistress? We've seen that's simply not true!)

Dating a married man is supposed to loose you girlfriends and give you a bad reputation - even in New York City where these two authors run a consulting business.

Kate, now the Duchess of Cambridge since her marriage to Prince William, heir to the throne in Great Britain, supposedly followed the Rules. I wonder how that could be so when she disobeyed the big rule about NOT LIVING WITH HIM UNTIL THERE IS AT LEAST A PLAN FOR THE WEDDING!
