Monday, February 20, 2012


Though we may or may not be interested in marriage, The Rules are supposed to lead a woman to marriage with a man who you are not only truly in love with, but who you've decided upon by using your intelligence and self knowledge.

You're supposed to make a dating diary so you can face it when he says things to you and then does or doesn't follow through, for instance. If you can get out there and circulate to meet men. If you can be attractive and popular, then you can play the Belle of the Ball and Play Hard To Get, so that a man will have to chase you down, never take you for granted, and reward you with marriage, a good marriage. If this isn't how you got married, you can try and start the Rules right away and see if it makes any difference in your relationship.

Although I'm sure that demanding a man leave his wife for you is not covered by the Rules, I wonder if mistresses can learn something or anything from these books which have been International best sellers. I know of several women who have given The Rules a try at some point in their lives, but the number one problem for women who are no longer in their early twenties is MEETING (ELIGIBLE) MEN in the FIRST PLACE. Sometimes, though not always, this is exactly why a woman becomes a mistress instead of a wife.

It seems that a LOT of women are sharing men, knowingly or otherwise. Some women want a man in their life in a compartmentalized way. These women may have very little time for a man or men or they don't want to come home to a man or a marriage every night. Some are free spirits. Some are frustrated. Popular culture assumes that all women want that ring.

Linking to the Top 10 Rules

C 2012 Missy Rapport / Mistress Manifesto All Rights Reserved Including Internet and International Rights. This post and all other original writing.

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