Tuesday, February 7, 2012


Dating Coaches Ellen Fein and Sherrie Schneider have made themselves famous and well to do by helping women know and follow "The Rules," which they outline in their books, seminars, and lectures. BUT DO THESE RULES "work?" ARE THEY APPLICABLE TO MISTRESSES since the jokes about these women and their take on the realities of heterosexual dating revolve around "Getting the Ring?"
A quote from their site which is linked at the title of this post.

"For most of my life, I was not a Rules girl. If a guy called, I called right back. There was no intrigue. Then, about 10 years ago, I read the book and it became my bible. — CHERYL TIEGS"

Cheryl Tiegs is a successful model of long duration and also a great business woman, who has had some long term and serious relationships in her time. For years she has been pursued by men, talented men, rich men, men, men, men. She is no ordinary woman having trouble meeting a lot of men in the first place, as seems to be the issue for so many women who are searching for husbands, following the Rules and going out to all kinds of places to be seen by and meet men.

My honest opinion is that some good relationships come out of slowing down and getting to know a person rather than rush into sexuality. And some mistresses have gotten into their relationships doing exactly that!

Following these "Rules" (which may seem arbitrary) will help you eliminate a lot of men who are not that interested in you, or are only receptive to you if you are taking the lead, allowing them to be lazy about keeping you in their lives.

But the Rules Girls are very open about NOT WANTING WOMEN IN THEIR LIVES AS GIRLFRIENDS who might not honor their marriages. So, we don't go where we are not wanted. That's one of our Rules.

THEIR goal is MARRIAGE, a good marriage, which I can bet they think will somehow eliminate any possibility of their husbands cheating on them, with one woman or many. I don't think any relationship, even where love exists, is 100% affair proof. Some mistresses want marriage too; Marriage with the man who "keeps" us without the law on our side, or some other man in our future.

How many wives are supported financially these days?

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