Thursday, January 6, 2011


Women's tears, according to this Daily News - Los Angeles news article that just came up, are a testosterone turn off for men... Link to this fascinating scientific article by Lauran Neergaard, AP Medical Writer now!

"Those tears send a chemical signal as the man gets close enough to sniff them - even though there's no discernible odor, say researchers from Israel's Weizmann Institute of Science.

"First, some women volunteered to watch a sad movie in the lab and collect their tears in a vial. For a comparison, researchers trickled saline down the women's cheeks and collected those droplets, too.

"Healthy young men couldn't smell a difference between the real tears and the sham ones. Then came a series of tests: The men were given women's photographs to rate. When they sniffed actual tears, they found the women less sexually attractive than when they sniffed saline. And to researchers' surprise, sniffing actual tears didn't make the men empathetic..."

(Missy here! If you cry, let yourself cry!)

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