Friday, January 7, 2011


Elizabeth Edward's, ex-wife of John Edwards, has lost her brave battle with cancer, and her personal estate is worth over a million dollars... Eleven days before she died, she signed this will which does not mention her estranged husband, but leaves all her worth to her children, with her oldest daughter as executor.

John Edwards probably has wealth of his own and it is fitting that Elizabeth leave what she has to her three children. Some news reports suggested though that Elizabeth had prevented John from marrying his mistress, with whom he has a 2 year old, Rielle Hunter, but that's stupid. A deceased person cannot prevent living people from marrying or a divorced spouse from marrying.

A person who lives in the public eye, especially if they are running for high office, has no privacy and in modern times it is very difficult to hide an extracurricular love/sex lifestyle.

Elizabeth was publically shamed by her husband and his mistress (something I do not agree with), though we are not sure really what happened first that lead to the public disclosure.

Perhaps this whole news story is privacy invasion and is beyond John Edwards and Reille Hunter not having class.


1 comment:

  1. There are ways to work it out actually. But it would require that funds be placed into a trust for the benefit of the surviving spouse with disbursements of the trust property only under certain conditions, such as not remarrying. The idea would be to string him or her along with only enough to sustain him or her. Of course the surviving spouse could always just walk away and remarry. But it does provide an excuse for the surviving spouse to not remarry.


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