Tuesday, June 11, 2024



This passage is from Chapter 7 of her book. In it, Lady Colin Campbell, called Georgie here by me, revealing that her father was a sexual predator who had his way with the servants, also had liaisons with women employed at his office. Her mother had no control over that aspect of his life.  It strikes me that perhaps her father, Michael, was not only a a sexual predator but a sex addict. Learning that he might have had a mistress who he mostly saw at the office gives the possibility that he became more civilized. The excerpt begins with the office, her father and his brother, Solomon...

Excerpt page 58

.,,Doubtless the majority of their contacts were casual, but both also formed enduring relationships with members of their staff.  In their scheme of things it was perfectly alright to have a mistress who remained out of sight of their family and friends. There was apparently no problem and no conflict, so long as there was no overlap between the two worlds.

Commentary:  In 1979 Micheal was shot in a store. Two serious gun shots done, Mrs. Powell put herself between the gunman and Michael.  She called him "Mas Mike," as in Master Mike. Georgie told her brother that she thought Mrs. Powell had to be their father's mistress or she would not have risked her own life to shelter him. Her brother, Mickey, did not believe it, preferring to think of the woman as a loyal employee. Georgie thought not only was this employee her father's mistress but that the woman loved him. 

Excerpt page 58

The following year, Mickey and I were in Jamaica for Easter when I witnessed for myself the delicacy with which my parents avoided the true nature of his relationship with Mrs. Powell...

Commentary: At one point Georgie got to witness her father and Mrs. Campbell together, when they entered a hospital room together to visit a family member. She said the "ease" between the two was the tell-all.

Excerpt page 58

To say I was surprised by her presence would be an understatement. There seemed to be no good reason to justify her attendance - if he needed her emotional support, he should be doing without it until a more appropriate time - and I was somewhat offended on my mother's behalf that he was trotting his mistress out in a place where decorum precluded her admittance. This, after all, was a purely family occasion, and where interlopers of any kind were simply unacceptable. Of course, I was also intrigued to meet the woman who had saved my father's life, though I would have preferred to do so somewhere else than a hospital while my cousin was dying. 

My curiosity got the better of my rectitude, however, and as Michael introduced Mrs. Powell to me, I eyed her up and down, assessing her with genuine interest. I noted that she was attractive, personable, a civil and civilized woman whose goodness of heart shone through her countenance. She was also a good thirty-something years younger than he was, Then she demonstrated how lucky my father was to have a mistress like her by greeting me with just the right amount of respect. She did not make the mistake of fawning, as so many other people did when meeting people like us. The she walked over to Gloria (Gloria is Georgie's mother - married to her father Michael) and, while ostensibly sympathizing with her for the horror of having seen her niece by marriage collapse in front of her, treated her with the reverence royalists reserve for regnant empresses. 'She has the tact and decorousness of a true courtier,' I thought, 'She's also sensible. She sees that the way to maintain her relationship with Daddy is to be respectful and non-threatening to Mymmy as possible. And she has natural dignity.'  I liked her immediately. 

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