Saturday, May 18, 2024


Reading Anne Conover Carson's book, I sought information on what Dorothy Pound knew and what her relationship with her husband, Ezra, was really like.

Olga Rudge, who hid her pregnancy, gave birth to her daughter and left her in the care of a villager, so that she could continue her music career and earn a living. She also experienced depression after the birth for some time. She kept that she had a daughter a secret from her father for the rest of her life. 

Meanwhile Dorothy Pound, Ezra's wife, sometimes traveled with him or alone. The movement of these people for work and pleasure created obstacles but also opportunities for them to reunite. In Rapallo, a hill town in Southern Italy, known for it's Mediterranean produce and wine making. Ezra and Olga spent Christmas of 1925 there, one of the rare times they would be able to spend the holiday together, because Dorothy was traveling. In 1926, in Paris, Olga's financials were good enough to renew the lease on the apartment her mother had first rented for the family for another four years. Her father remarried, much to Olga's approval, and visited her in Paris with his new wife.

What was attractive to Olga about Ezra?  It would seem his literary accomplishments and acceptance of her as a woman of intelligence, of her having a 'fine mind,' as well as his allegiance with her to further her career as a concert violinist. Certainly she had to learn that he would not meet all her needs nor could be commanded to see her. Ezra came up with reasons or excuses to cancel plans with her but no doubt he was proud of her and attended her performances when possible. Olga performed in George Antheil's unconventional masterpiece Ballet Mecanique and Ezra created an avant-guard opera Le Testement de Villon in 1926.

But then Dorothy, nearing forty, as Ezra was also, became pregnant with her first child and gave birth in September of 1926. It was American ex pat writer Earnest Hemingway who took her to the hospital in Paris, a friend of the couple but where was Ezra?. One wonders if Dorothy had a child competitively with Olga. Omar, a son, would live with Dorothy's parents. Ezra Pound himself checked into the hospital, some thought due to the stress of "divided loyalties." He now had two children, a daughter and a son, with a mistress and a wife, and both children were being raised by others, and possibly his in-laws also provided the finances for their garndchild. For as esteemed as he was as a creative person of achievement, he was not financially independent enough to be capable of supporting children. Olga and Ezra saw their daughter between concerts. Mary reported mostly seeing her parents a day or two here and there as they made side trips to visit with her. 

Mary was about four years old when Ezra told his father that he was the father of a daughter. His parents were not rich but he was suggesting this be considered when they were writing their will. However, his father may have not told his mother.

But Egerton Grey, who had married and divorced again, also paid Olga a visit, as if he were in competition with Ezra for her.  He proposed marriage again.  Olga was unable to bring herself to tell him about Ezra or that she had a daughter. She was keeping important secrets from those closest to her. Perhaps she feared becoming infamous because she had become a public person as a performer but Egerton's love for her seemed to be unconditional.

Late in the summer of 1928 came the shock that Egerton Grey was dead.  He had been a student at the Biochemical Institute and working on his book. It was said that he was 'ill from overwork." Olga was thirty three. As her life went on, being with Ezra, she became sentimental about Egerton. While Ezra was away, she had the attention of many men, and he even encouraged her to entertain being with a younger man.  Did she ever? We don't know.  It's assumed that Ezra always managed to keep her for himself, even if she did mention the flirtations to make him jealous.


I have to admit to my readers that I have a suspicion that Egerton might have been struggling with his sexuality, that he might have been homosexual at a time when he would not have had an easy time of it in society if he were out.  His love for Olga outstanding, I wonder how he could have had two quick marriages.  What had gone wrong?  Perhaps Olga knew that she could always have his love if they did not marry.  The reason for his death also sounds suspicious to me.   --- Missy

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