Saturday, March 16, 2024


February 11, 1972 Life Magazine Cover

The very beginning of Nina's memoir, which was published in 1973  by Walker and Company publishing in New York, begins with this statement.  

Excerpt page 9:

"I was famous but felt like a freak and was damn well going to show them that I wasn't  No one in America knew me but for being "The Danish Singer in the Hughes Affair." While in New York in February fer the Grand Jury hearings there'd been dozens of offers for cabarets and television and I don't know what else."

(Note; her manager in Europe, John Marshall, had gotten Nina three weeks at the St Regis Hotel "Maisonette", which was a small and elegant room, for a debut in the United States, but the St. Regis became "Press besieged."  She was separated from her husband Frederik at the time and also had a housekeeper and nanny with their children in London.  Her mother, who was in Copenhagen, then brought the children to New York with her.  The three weeks at the St. Regis was a successful run of the show.)

Half way through the book she finally gets to the chapter Ibiza where she mentions Clifford Irving once more.  No doubt the scandal did bring her name into the spotlight, for many in America, for the first time.  Nina Van Pallandt did do some television and other work as a result of the interest in her.

Here's her film information from IMDb IMDB - NINA VAN PALLANDT

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