Monday, February 5, 2024


Parties are perfect for flirting.  

Before you go, think of something light that you can talk about.  A funny experience you recently had...  Or a good joke (rated General Audience) that won't offend anyone... 

Put your smile on.

When you introduce yourself or someone else, it's OK to brag a little or mention a recent accomplishment, something people can talk with you or them about or remember you or them with. Just don't overdo it and try to be the star of the party. The star at a party is the person who invited you. Be sure to bring a little something as a gift and thank them for inviting you because they thought well of you and made that effort.

Be sure to circulate.You're there to mix. Chit chat and then move on. This is not the time to sit in a corner and talk problems with a friend you can call some other time.  And it's not the time to take off with someone you just met and turn it into a date. (If they ask, suggest they call.) 

You were invited by someone who thought well of you. Stick around for a reasonable time.  And it's your turn next to throw a party. If you cannot throw a party yourself, remember to call them and invite them out for coffee.

C 2024 Mistress Manifesto BlogSpot

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