Friday, February 2, 2024


Yes, my romantic readers, this month we are going to explore FLIRTING. I'll start out by admitting to you that I love to flirt!  Flirting can be fun and that's the best way to take it, as fun, to not read too much into it. Of course, it depends on what you say or what you do, what you're communicating with your flirt. Flirting can be just the thing that gets you noticed, signals to someone that you are interested, or that can lead to ROMANCE.  If you're in a relationship, it can keep the spark alive.

If you are already in a relationship, well, don't stop flirting.  If you've never flirted - start.

Everyone wants to feel noticed, beautiful, special. 

This month is going to be full of information on flirting. 

I'll have some good ideas for you.

It's up to you to follow through.

Let me know what happens!


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