Thursday, January 25, 2024


After Clint Eastwood bought Sondra Locke the house, following her second abortion and the a sterilization, he bought a house for her husband, Gordon.  However, she was presented what appeared to be a lease agreement for that house, which was explained to her as a business maneuver to his benefit. She had been paid less than market rate salaries for her work in the films she appeared in with Clint - the Dirty Harry films.  Finally for Sudden Impact she got a substantial raise for her acting. Wishing to improve her career, Sondra took a directorial position for another film that would not be a collaboration with Clint.  Clint seemed to resent it in some way.  When he was elected mayor of Carmel, California, the town he considered home, his responsibilities put a further distance in their relationship. For Sondra and Clint's relationship might have been a well kept secret when it came to the public, even as they had as a couple many friendships and associations with Hollywood's biggest names.  In 1987 the tabloids were catching up with them.  It was reported that Clint had given Sondra a big engagement ring.  The ring was a gift from a friend. By the Christmas - New Years season 1988, Clint was behaving as if Sondra was no longer his "bestest of the westest." Her women friends felt he was treating her badly and suggested she get a lawyer.  She talked to one, just in case.

Excerpt: page 248 :

"I hesitated to bring it up while you were shooting this film," he began, " but I was .... uh... thinking, it's come to my attention that you... uh... and Gordon are sitting on my only real estate in Los Angeles."

Sitting on his real estate!  Gordon and I? Incredible!

"Your real estate?  Your real estate! That's outrageous, Clint." He actualy looked caught.

"Well,... uh...well... uh, I was thinking maybe you could go stay with Gordon for a while."

He said it as if it were a casual and normal request. 


Page 250  Gordon called:

"Listen to me carefully. Stay calm, do you understand? Gordon said. With that my pulse quickened.

"What is it? Just tell me quick,: I almost screamed.

"Clint has locked you out of your house. The sissy waited until you were safely at work, then he changed the locks."

(A letter followed telling her not to return to the house where she had been allowed to stay rent free by Mr. Eastwood.... This was the house that he had supposedly gifted to Sondra. Next boxes were delivered with her personal effects including her clothes - in effect moving her out of that house. Gordon refused the boxes.  By not accepting these boxes Gordon knew they would have to go back to the house she had lived in or be put in storage. But perhaps the worst of it was learning that Clint had two children in Carmel.)

Page 270
My mind was still searching to get all his actions lined up. For at least the last four years, Clint had been living this double lie, going between me and this other woman, and having children with her. Two babies had been born in the last three years of our relationship, and they were't mine. More pain was heaped onto my pain about my own abortions and subsequent tubal ligation.

(In court hearings Sondra learned that she was not in Clint's will but the other woman with children was.)

To this point I will conclude my excerpting of Sondra's book.  What she went through would devastate anyone.


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