Wednesday, November 29, 2023


It's come to my attention that not everyone who lands on this blog knows how to use archives, or how to even get to the most current posts.

If you look to the sidebar you will see that the archives are arranged by year and then month going back in time. If you click on these, it will bring up past posts. The archive goes back many years. You can click to sample, or click to start reading that month that interests you.

The blog is published so that the topic for the month comes up on the 2nd or 3rd of the month, and the entire month continues the exploration of that subject. Sometimes more than one book is reviewed or referenced so reading the entire month can give you more good information.

There is also a search feature. If you type the name of someone I've included here at Mistress Manifesto, such as Roxelana, and click to search, it will bring up all the posts with name or subject. 

You can also search for a subject, such as Love and The Rich, using labels. Labels appear under the posts so that you can sort through the entire blog to bring up all posts with the same label. You can go to a post that is about Monica Lewinsky, click on the label that has her name, and it will bring up posts from various dates that include her. 

Thanks for reading!


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