Wednesday, September 13, 2023


Excerpts:   page 82-83

"As Andrew would acknowledge months later, on television, our romance was no "thunderbolt." It was more like a plant with good southern exposure; growing slowly , but thriving by the day.  On occasion I would join him for dinner at the Palace; other times he would park his green Jaguar (protection officer included) outside 40 Lavender Gardens, and we'd dine in my tiny kitchen... At first it was hard to fathom that I was serving baked beans to the Sovereign's second son, but that distanced feeling soon passed.....  We played silly games; we acted like children together.  We liked each other before we loved.

I had dinner with Paddy that autumn and broke it off.  He let me go freely and graciously - it was, I think, what he had hoped would come to pass.  Because he felt that Andrew was a better man for me and that I should be with a younger person, who could give me what I needed.

For New Years Eve (1985) Andrew invited me out to Sandringham, the Queen's private estate in Norfolk.  We were getting serous, all right; a few weeks before, Andrew had asked me to address him by his first name."

(Arriving there, sweating and scared) Page 84:

"Then Andrew staged his sneak attack. As I got out of my car, on that first crisp day of 1986, he said, "I love you." I felt like jumping back in the car and getting out again, because I knew what I wanted to answer but my tongue was knotted, and so I actually screamed.  And when Andrew laughed in response, I just crumbed at the knees.....

My entrance was suitably grand.  No sooner had Andrew brought me a drink than I tripped over the piano leg and sent it splashing over the sofa. Then, as I curtseyed to the Queen, my boyfriends' mother, I kicked one of her dogs. It was a glancing blow, but corgis are a melodramatic breed, and you would have thought the little yapper was bound for the Royal Kennels in the sky..."

(Missy here : I'm laughing out loud!)

Andrew proposed some time after the meeting of the Queen, and then he asked the Queen's  permission to marry Sarah, the commoner.  Sarah was twenty-six years old.  So was Andrew. Sarah gave up her apartment and moved into Buckingham Palace. Though there were 600 rooms in the palace and six of them in Andrew's bachelor quarters became home. It was a large and already decorated apartment with no kitchen. She was chauffeured to work with a protection officer. Meanwhile Andrew was in London for naval officer training and they saw each other frequently. Sarah became the  latest news in the tabloids as well as main stream press. For some time there was nothing she could do wrong. Her spontaneous behavior, even the gaffs, were embraced as just what the Royal Family needed - a breath of fresh air and she was forgiven everything. Soon her husband would be gone most of the time and she would become the newest member of The Firm to make public appearances and speeches.  

I'll continue the story in the next posts!

C 2023 Mistress Manifesto - Blogspot.

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