Monday, July 31, 2023


In August of 2022, I decided to take down my first few months of posting. I realized that this blog had come a long way since I timidly started it, a long way in blogging expertise as well as in my notions of how I wanted to design it. The first thing I noticed as I looked at those early months of posting was that I was a bit all over the place rather than focused.  But I actually posted on some of the same people who I devoted much more time to in what would be the future.  I was just finding my way.  It took a while for me to decide that I would devote a month to a Mistress of the Month, or a Special Subject.  It was a long way in my personal understanding of the Mistress Lifestyle. In recent times I've done a whole lot more research than I used to do in order to present my subject. Still, I think some the 2009 posts are worth re-posting. I'll add a little current this and that to this month's overall content. 

In those early months I posted on Pamela Digby Churchill Harriman and Eva Peron, and a contemporary mistress Sarah J, Symonds, who had retired from being a mistress by that time. There were posts touching on the economics and a Declaration for Mistresses (a series of affirmations I ran) that touched upon that too. I posted some music videos with lyrics that I thought were appropriate too.  

Those early months did have value.

Want to revisit 2009 with me?

Here we go!


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