Tuesday, June 27, 2023



The National Center on Sexual Exploitation (NCOSE) is thrilled to welcome Rachel Moran to our team!  

Rachel Moran is a widely renowned leader in the anti-sexual exploitation movement. Among her numerous formidable accomplishments, Ms. Moran is the author of the bestselling book Paid For – My Journey Through Prostitutionwhich has been regarded by legal scholar Catharine MacKinnon as “the best work by anyone on prostitution ever.” Paid For has been published in more than a dozen countries and numerous languages including German, Italian, Korean and French, with a Spanish translation currently underway. 

Dear Readers, I did a review of this book for this blog. It posted on April 17. 2018.

A month or so ago someone tagged it to Google as violating their content policy and I asked Google to review that. The post was reinstated. I wondered who would think my review of this important and honest book could be taken as anything other than sensitive and well considered.

Why, you might ask, if you have just recently read this post or this blog, would I discuss prostitution, sex trafficking, and the darkest side of sex?  It's because we explore a full range of relationship styles. We look at the women who were in harems, the women who had no choice but to prostitute or who elevated their status by becoming courtesans, and we know that often Mistresses are considered to be in relationships only because of transactional sex.  We seek to define Mistress.  Is that the word to use to describe any woman who is involved with a married man?  It is always adultery?  Is it always an older rich man with a sweet young and beautiful woman who is kept?

For some women becoming a Mistress was and is the best lifestyle.

But we always hope that a person in an Alternative lifestyle is there by choice, informed choice.

This blog helps inform all of us.

Excerpt: Rachel has been quoted, stating: “The reality of prostitution has been hiding in plain sight for millennia. We all know it, instinctively. That’s why we don’t want our sisters and daughters and mothers in brothels. It’s strange how something we know on a sensory level can elude us intellectually. The reality of prostitution is not complex, it is simple. Controlling what people do sexually is inherently abusive.”

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