Wednesday, May 31, 2023


The word Mistress seems to bring fantasies of riches and great beauty, women in their youth, and with much older men. But as we learn more about the real lives of women who have been in relationships other than traditional marriage, we also learn that being a Mistress rarely lasts an entire lifetime, and that Mistresses too get older.

May Fung Yee Pang was born in 1950 and John Lennon, the famous ex-Beatle, was born in 1940, ten years earlier. He was married to Yoko Ono at the time.  She was born in 1933.  Does age matter?

My feeling is often it does, but not always. Sometimes experiencing life means a person gains wisdom, sometimes not. What strikes me is that Yoko was raised in a Japanese upper class culture in which women thought a man having a mistress was not such a big deal.  I tend to think that attitude is also because marriages were arranged or at least highly encouraged and there was not and still is not much support for a woman or a man remaining unmarried.

As May Pang says, Yoko might have been a Japanese wife but she herself was not, she was a Chinese-American woman.  (And while John was a decade older than May, Yoko was seventeen years older.)

Through her documentary, which is respected, May's place in Rock and Roll History remains.  In recent weeks a concert called The Lost Weekend took place at the Troubadour in Los Angeles, one of the clubs most associated with Rock and Roll.  May was there to celebrate the music of John Lennon.  As she says, during their time together he was especially productive writing and recording songs.

In this YouTube video, May, now officially a senior, talks about those days in her life in which she was in love with John.  In keeping with my policy not to embed videos that have commercials, I'll just give you the link.


C 2023 Mistress Manifesto - BlogSpot

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