Monday, April 24, 2023


More notes and excerpts:
"Their relationship, whether locked away in Johnnie's bedroom or sharing a table at The Colony or the Plaza, was extremely physical. One evening at El Morocco, Johnnie was seen to remove Dorothy's shoe and his her foot..."
(page 226)

"When Johnnie turned 30 in 1957, Dorothy spent days arranging a "Progressive Party," with reservations for dozens of guests at seven different clubs and restaurants... (page 226)

"She had the bus decorated, and everyone was served cocktails between stops.  The first course was served at the Colony, the second at Le Pavillon, and then the St. Regis, only the best...  "And at every spot, there were place cards that she had gone over and arranged that day, so you would be sitting next to a different person at every place we went to... (page 227)

"The delicacy of carrying on the affair was a complex matter of masquerade and reliance on high society's basically hypocritical amoralism and strictly nominal discretion.  The only aspect of the subterfuge that bothered Dorothy was reconciling it with her faith's restrictive dogma. No problem, with Johnnie in on it.  "We came to terms with the Catholic problem, he said, "Once we decided to ahve some kind of commitment, it resolved itself, though it didn't resolve itself in terms of her mother finding out." 
(page 227)

Sadly, while continuing to perform at the hottest clubs in the country, Johnnie also had surgery to repair his long-damaged hearing.  The surgery was a total failure, making him even more deaf, but was promoted as a success, and he went on without a hearing aid and fooled the public. (But what a horror that had to be!)  Johnnie persevered.

The couple did have friends who acted to keep the affair discreet but as the two of them drank to excess, they began to be less careful.  Was it an unashamed display of love and passion or the alcohol? One friend said he saw them both passed out in a doorway...  Yet, Dorothy Kilgallen was also known for her professionalism, for showing up ready to work and doing a great job. So, one wonders, did she work with terrible hang-overs or were the stories of their drinking exaggerated?

As Johnnie aged, his management sought to find ways to invest and preserve his money, Johnnie also honored his professional commitments. His relationship with Dorothy may have been what preserved him in his personal life.

"This chicanery was primarily wool to mask Kollmar's bloodshot eyes.  The situation, however, was not that simple -- Dorothy did her fair share of looking the other , and ignoring Johnnie's "With Love From Your Little Man" ID bracelet was the least of her worries. Throughout their affair, Johnnie had several concurrent male lovers, a number of whom actually shared the 63rd Street apartment (his place) with him. (page 246)

Dorothy's heath began to fail, it is supposed because of the alcohol, and she was hospitalized or had to take time out of her work more than once. These hospitalizations may have been rehabs or nervous breakdowns. Johnnie's physical and mental health were also jeopardized and he began to look a bit skeletal.  He was being pulled in several directions.

She had thought Johnnie needed new management and had a number of suggestions that were meant to be helpful. New management came with Bill Franklin, who then became Johnnie's lover.

"They fell for each other hard, initiating what became the most intense and long-lived relationship with another man Johnnie ever undertook.  The situation was strange.  Slipping around behind Dorothy's back was not so extraordinary; doing so as she recovered from a breakdown caused by Johnnie's refusal to commit was rather unsavory," (page 291-292)

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