Tuesday, December 20, 2022


CRAZY ABOUT TIFFANY's is a documentary film about the store famous for the robin's egg blue boxes as well as the exquisite and expensive, sometimes tremendously so, jewelry within.  Having received a couple of those blue boxes in my lifetime - which contained crystal and not jewelry - I must say it was exciting to receive them.  
The essence of this film is about the excitement people feel about the store and what it has to offer as well as the attention to detail and tremendous design and workmanship that goes into making these pieces. Here we see actress Jessica Biel having her stylists work with the store to obtain the most perfect jewelry to wear for her Red Carpet dress. 

We see the shine and the gleam and the flash of wondrous "real thing' bracelets and necklaces. Though some of what Tiffany's has might be found elsewhere less expensively, so much of what they offer is original design and custom work.

Although I personally believe that every human being should have food, shelter, and clothing, have all their basic needs met, and that should be a priority, I also love beautiful and fine things. I think art, design, and invention achieve what is possible for all of humanity, ultimately an advance for civilization. 

Crazy About Tiffany's allows us all to imagine What If we really afford a necklace worth $100,00 and wonder Who does afford these things.  It can't all be going to Brunei can it?

C 2022 Mistress Manifesto BlogSpot

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