Friday, September 9, 2022


Camilla Shand

Camilla Parker-Bowles

Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall.  (She was entitled to use Princess of Wales, but since that title was so associated with Princess Diana, she didn't.)

Camilla, Queen Consort, or King Charles III...

We all knew that Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain had a dynamic role on the world stage to fill and that she could not live forever. She passed the other day and I look forward to watching her funeral, if it is viewable to the public like her husband, Prince Phillip's was. With years more on this earth than most people get, Elizabeth managed to greet the new Prime Minister, Liz Truss,  a couple days before her end.  Now there is no question that Queen Elizabeth II's oldest son is the King, which happened automatically, and so all those years of discussion over his being punished by having had Camilla as his mistress while still married to Princess Diana is over.  In a year or so he will have a Coronation. It would be considered rude to do so sooner, when so many are mourning.

Camilla has deserved being Mistress of the Month here at MISTRESS MANIFESTO twice.

April 2016


The Most Famous Mistress of the Last Half Century - Will She Become Queen When Charles Becomes King?


May  2010


You can find these past posts in my archives.

We Americans get confused by titles and changes of titles having not grown up with nobility.  I hope I've done Camilla justice in the past.  There is no doubt in my mind that she has been essential to Charles, who has lived a life, truth be known. few would choose, with so much determined for him.  Perhaps the only thing he has wanted for himself is to have a happy personal life with Camilla.

Charles has been a leader in organic -chemical free farming and in quite concerned about the effects of climate change.  I know that as King he is not supposed to air political opinions but climate change is a world issue and food, especially good food, is also essential to humanity.

I wish him well - them well - in their new roles!


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I also hope Charles III will have a good long time as King to bring health and welfare to the people of Great Britain, those people who are suffering and who face a harsh winter in which enough heat may be unaffordable.


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