Sunday, August 28, 2022


I just deleted about a dozen Comments and did not publish.  I did copy some of the information sent.  Major housekeeping in recent days on this blog.

Good stuff:

Suggestions for future topics, names of Mistresses, but no links, no mention of who they were a Mistress to.  I will look into some of these. If there is a book or a lot on the Internet maybe I will use your suggestions!  THANKS

Request that a review I did be added to another site that is all Book Reviews. Thanks for the compliments but I'll hold my copyrights here.

Requests that I contact by e-mail for purposes of genealogy or family history connections to persons stating they are related to my subject.  I can't do this.  However, you can always read the same book I did!

Bad stuff: Mostly rants about the Jim Morrison love triangle. As I see it both Pamela and Patricia have passed away and who knows, maybe they and Jim will all make peace in the Afterlife. However, 90% of those who posted were taking sides, some used foul language on one of both of the women, or started out insulting me for featuring Patricia - who wrote a book. I personally feel that Patricia's book was heartfelt and coming from her experience. There are many books out there and that's the one I selected.

Someone trying to expose where Bob Dylan's long ago mistress lives and personal problems.  I would not expose that kind of information.  Most of the people I profile her are Public Figures but that does not mean I would tell anyone where to find them.

REMEMBER THAT THIS BLOG DOES NOT TAKE AN ESPECIALLY CRITICAL OR NEGATIVE VIEW OF ALTERNATIVE LIFESTYLES. This is an exploration of what it has been and is for some people who have lived or live a Mistress Lifestyle.

Think about this! I open a comment.  I cannot know for sure who sent it to me.  Anyone can claim to be someone or in the know.  If you do not send me a link to a book or news article I can read to verify that this has been published elsewhere, then it's Scouts Honor.  

I did publish one comment that I somehow missed long ago.


I personally have NEVER sent an individual a link to a post from this blog.  However someone else might have and I have no way of knowing who or why.

In terms of Atom or other reader features, I think the best thing to do is either BOOKMARK the blog and check the bookmark frequently.  Some of such readers are outdated.

In terms of PRIVACY, some of my readers use DUCK DUCK GO!   You can also go into Google account settings and turn off the tracking. There's nothing sexually explicit or X rated in this blog.

People not only snatching photos and pictures I post for their PINTEREST hobby - which includes full pictures of the post.  THAT IS A NO!  If an image is in PUBLIC DOMAIN and you research that, you can post it - try for the original source. Otherwise you are stealing my copyrighted research and writing, so if I find out, I will snatch it back! 


Some great things coming up!


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Please read my Comments policy in PAGES before you post! I read every Comment before choosing to publish! THANK YOU! Missy