Tuesday, August 30, 2022


Over 200 books have been written about Marilyn Monroe and so the question is, can any author bring something new to the understanding of this actress who died 60 years ago this summer, August 4th or 5th, 1960?  Having read maybe a half dozen of those books, I featured Marilyn on this blog in May 2016 focused on just one of them. She was the mistress of super-agent Johnny Hyde, who got her a contract with Twentieth Century Fox, wanted to marry her, and died suddenly without that ever happening.  To her credit, Marilyn did not want to marry him because she was not in love with him. I'm particularly interested in the controversial aspect of her death and if she was actually involved with President John F. Kennedy, or his brother, Robert Kennedy.

What is the tone of this book by Charles Casillo? Casillo delivers a clear and empathic report. The author was aware of the hunger for knowing more about Marilyn that so many fans have and says he spent hours listening to interviews that other author conducted that are housed at the Los Angeles Public Library. Then he also sought out new interviews with people who met her or knew her, people who were quite old themselves. (My note is that people interviewed in their 80's and 90's would have had to have been very young at the time. She was born as Norma Jean Mortensen in 1926 and was known as Norma Jeane Baker in her childhood. Recently DNA testing revealed  Charles Stanley Gifford was her birth father)  I think Casillo did a fine job of letting us know who he spoke to and where there was controversy. that there was one, instead of taking a particular side.

In particular, the author outlines her heritage of mental illness, not just in the case of her mother which is now well known, but others of her lineage. This makes a case for the possibility that Marilyn's fears that she would also become mentally ill realistic rather than neurotic. He shows just how much influence psychiatrists had on Marilyn and especially the amount of control psychiatrist Greenson, had on her in her last days. (I think of the control that Beach Boy Brian Wilson experienced in his life when a person in the mental health profession moved in. I tend to think that Green should have lost his license to practice.) Marilyn clearly needed to trust in someone, a doctor, and was mentally ill. So, when I read a quote by her first husband, James Doughterty, from another sources, stating that he never knew Marilyn Monroe but had loved Norma Jean, and that she was too sensitive to be in the movie business, I have to agree. 

Here is the question for YOU, my readers. Does mental illness make a person go after experiences that most people would avoid out of self-preservation or out of desperation, or is it that having so many horrible experiences makes a person mentally ill? I think that most women with a life like Marilyn's would have had a difficult time but that she was in the public spotlight made managing it all more difficult. So very many people wanted something out of an association with her, but she seemed unable to keep healthy boundaries and this is because some of them were deceivers.

As for the Kennedys, Casillo does bring some new light to the rumors that she was involved with one or both of the brothers. That Jackie Kennedy specifically asked her husband to break with Marilyn because she had empathy for Marilyn is new to me. That the involvement with Robert Kennedy was more serious interesting. Did one or both of them have Marilyn murdered?

The author reveals that the relationship with Pat Newcomb, her press agent and, it could be argued, best friend, who frequently stayed over at Marilyn's house, might have also had an interest in Robert Kennedy and that there were aspects of that relationship that might not have been healthy.  Of many passages I could excerpt here is one from page 295.

Dean Martin's wife, Jeanne, has said that "Pat was deeply in love with Bobby. It took her many years to get over it." There was something deeper to their relationship than friendship.  It certainly would have been better for all concerned if Marilyn didn't hear it.  But she suspected.  And now she demanded explanations.  She grappled with the notion of Pat Newcomb possibly being involved with Bobby - at once so loyal but at the same time seemingly desperate to take "possession" of her.  Was an involvement with Bobby, in some way, a maneuver for Newcomb to be more enmeshed with Marilyn?  Marilyn thought so, feeling a "sibling rivalry" kind of relationship had developed between them in the two years they had been closely associated with each other.

The author points out that while Marilyn did call the White House and also Robert Kennedy many times, it is not known how many times one or both of these men called her.  Rather than make it seem like she was a desperate caller, Marilyn might have been returning phone calls. He points out that there are "reasonable witnesses" on both sides of the question of Robert Kennedy being in Los Angeles on Saturday August 5th. Then he reveals the two stories. There is a two hour window in which RFK could have made it to Los Angeles via helicopter perhaps from San Francisco or Gilroy, California. He speculates that Robert Kennedy was supposed to make it over to his sister and brothers-in-law's house and that when Marilyn learned he was not going to go to the Lawford's, she cancelled going there herself. 

I speculate that because Marilyn knew that her family heritage contained various individuals who were manic, depressed, suicidal, she had at least reached out for help.

C 2022 Mistress Manifesto  BlogSpot

Revisit by finding these posts in my archive.

Monday, August 29, 2022


Do you sneak to read this blog?  Why?  Are you one of my Duck Duck Go readers?

Please read my comment policy in Pages!  I read every comment and will not publish those that start with the words DO NOT PUBLISH!

Sunday, August 28, 2022


I just deleted about a dozen Comments and did not publish.  I did copy some of the information sent.  Major housekeeping in recent days on this blog.

Good stuff:

Suggestions for future topics, names of Mistresses, but no links, no mention of who they were a Mistress to.  I will look into some of these. If there is a book or a lot on the Internet maybe I will use your suggestions!  THANKS

Request that a review I did be added to another site that is all Book Reviews. Thanks for the compliments but I'll hold my copyrights here.

Requests that I contact by e-mail for purposes of genealogy or family history connections to persons stating they are related to my subject.  I can't do this.  However, you can always read the same book I did!

Bad stuff: Mostly rants about the Jim Morrison love triangle. As I see it both Pamela and Patricia have passed away and who knows, maybe they and Jim will all make peace in the Afterlife. However, 90% of those who posted were taking sides, some used foul language on one of both of the women, or started out insulting me for featuring Patricia - who wrote a book. I personally feel that Patricia's book was heartfelt and coming from her experience. There are many books out there and that's the one I selected.

Someone trying to expose where Bob Dylan's long ago mistress lives and personal problems.  I would not expose that kind of information.  Most of the people I profile her are Public Figures but that does not mean I would tell anyone where to find them.

REMEMBER THAT THIS BLOG DOES NOT TAKE AN ESPECIALLY CRITICAL OR NEGATIVE VIEW OF ALTERNATIVE LIFESTYLES. This is an exploration of what it has been and is for some people who have lived or live a Mistress Lifestyle.

Think about this! I open a comment.  I cannot know for sure who sent it to me.  Anyone can claim to be someone or in the know.  If you do not send me a link to a book or news article I can read to verify that this has been published elsewhere, then it's Scouts Honor.  

I did publish one comment that I somehow missed long ago.


I personally have NEVER sent an individual a link to a post from this blog.  However someone else might have and I have no way of knowing who or why.

In terms of Atom or other reader features, I think the best thing to do is either BOOKMARK the blog and check the bookmark frequently.  Some of such readers are outdated.

In terms of PRIVACY, some of my readers use DUCK DUCK GO!   You can also go into Google account settings and turn off the tracking. There's nothing sexually explicit or X rated in this blog.

People not only snatching photos and pictures I post for their PINTEREST hobby - which includes full pictures of the post.  THAT IS A NO!  If an image is in PUBLIC DOMAIN and you research that, you can post it - try for the original source. Otherwise you are stealing my copyrighted research and writing, so if I find out, I will snatch it back! 


Some great things coming up!


Friday, August 26, 2022


This image was engraved by MELCHOIR LORCK (Danish, Felnsburgh 1526 - after 1588 Hamburg(?)
The image is courtesy of the Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York City)

Please note that the artist would have been a contemporary of 
Suleyman the Magnifcent 
so we can hope it's a fairy accurate depiction of the man.

Thursday, August 25, 2022


"Statue of Nastia Lisovska in downtown Rohatyn.

You'll note that Roxelana's name has variations. 
Her given name may be Alexsandra or some version of Natasia.

According to the Wikipedia site about the town of Rohatyn, in 1520 the region was attacked by Crimean Tatars and she was captured there and then sold to the Ottomon Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent.  The region has been part of Poland and is currently in Ukraine.

I find it very interesting that the town acknowledges her birth there.  I wonder what they knew during her lifetime.  Did her family know where she was?  That she was alive? Were they ever able to communicate by letter, perhaps?

Tuesday, August 23, 2022


I thought the book Empress of the East by author Leslie Pierce was outstanding but I did have one problem with it and that was her identification of Roxelana as Russian. You see Ruthenians are not Russians.  They are Slavic, but they are not ethnically Russian.  To those who are Ruthenian that is not OK.

The word SLAVE comes from the word Slav...

The slavers who took boys and girls, men and women, away from Ukraine, Poland, Slovakia, and other areas of Central and Eastern Europe focused on poor areas that did not have a defense. When it came to the Turks in the 1500,  Slavers were part of a supply chain. Slavers were not just Tatars (a Moslem group) but also the Venetians (people from Venice before it was Italy) and other ethnic groups who human trafficked. Some of these people did not make the journey, some of them died young, and for women their fate had a lot to do with how physically attractive they were.

The Ruthenians are a Slavic group that has traditionally lived in and around the Carpathian Mountains, which using today's maps, are in four countries.  There are three groups - you could say ethnic subgroups - that make the Ruthenians, who are usually  Byzantine ie Greek Catholic (Orthodox) rather than Roman Catholic. Through the centuries various languages have come up with different names for them including Western Ukrainians. 

Based on the area in which Roxelana was captured, she was most likely of the Lemko group.

If you're more interested check out this link! CARPATHO RUSYN ORG - LEMKOS

You may also be interested in this achieved month"



Saturday, August 20, 2022


Roxelana, Princess Hurrem, born Aleksandra Lisovska about 1515, died in the spring of 1558. She had chronic health conditions but it might have been malaria or another disease that swept through the Old Palace. Suleyman outlived her by about eight years and was near 90 years old when he died in Southern Hungary.  He had managed to survive many military campaigns and the deaths of children, for a few years after she died, another son was executed. He was reportedly in great grief over his wife's death, for they had been a married couple since 1535 and their relationship had gone on for years before that.

Something I was struck by while reading Empress of the East was how gender roles were so restricted and, by my way of thinking, were extreme. This was a world in which for women mothering was the ultimate expectation for which a woman could derive glory, but usually only through her hyper masculine sons and their importance, and men sought to achieve power through battle and a competitiveness that meant that they would have their own son's executed if they tried to usurp them. 

"So many slain princess led to rule of automatic succession of the oldest living dynast" and that continued until 1922. (Page 314)

C 2022 Mistress Manifesto BlogSpot

Empress of the East by Leslie Pierce is the reference for this post.

Wednesday, August 17, 2022


Because Roxelana managed to marry Sultan Suleyman the Magnificent, against all odds, as Princess Hurrem she did well by her daughter as well, who was also now eligible to marry.

The rules for a Moslem woman who was not enslaved for marriage in the Islamic Caliphate were that if she was a virgin, and of course that was expected, she could refuse any proposal of marriage. She could also divorce. However, I do think there was pressure on these women to accept the matchmaking that was done on their behalf and to remain married, just as there is today.  Mihrumah was married at seventeen to a man of Croatian origin, Rustem, who was a statesman in Istanbul.  I find it interesting that this man also came from a culture that was mostly Christian, but do not know if he was Christian or Moslem.  A little more research revealed that there were people of other religions such as Christians and Jews in the Ottoman Empire  He was twice her age. (Page 207)

Roxelana as Princess Hurrem also rose to the responsibility and authority of matchmaking slave women. Interestingly, they were allowed to marry and a good Moslem was to free a slave after seven years of service.  A newly freed woman was also allowed to have her own slaves. Not to defend slavery, but this seems a bit like 16th century internships!

Another surprise I found in Leslie Pierce's book was that eunuchs were allowed to marry and also could reproduce. I thought eunuchs were men who had been castrated and thus trusted to be around the harem without having sex with the women or interfering in this breeding program.  However a little more research revealed that the term could simply mean that these were trusted slaves who protected the women in their bedchambers.

C 2020 Mistress Manifesto BlogSpot

Empress of the East by Leslie Pierce is the reference for this post.

Monday, August 15, 2022


Princess Hurrem decided to make a mark on the society in which she lived by starting a tradition that her female lineage would continue, and that was to do good things for the people, to be charitable and to have a duty towards the people. Though she was born into a Christian family as a Ruthenian, she was raised to be a devout Moslem and was a sincere believer. Her husband was blood-thirsty, a man known for slaughter, but she managed to create civilization within their Moslem world. She had mosques built, was behind schools for the children, a hospital, a soup kitchen, and even waterworks such as fountains. Thousands went to work on these projects.

A philanthropic tradition in her name began and it was not just in Istanbul but also in Mecca, Medina, Jerusalem, and other places of pilgrimage. She was behind hotels for those who traveled and made pilgrimages. In doing so, the women of her lineage had much to do besides being mothers. By doing what might have been considered impossible - rising up from harem slavery to being a married woman with more than one child - her daughters were not enslaved and could also marry.

She was exceptional.

When she traveled, her entourage of carriages and servants displayed her wealth and power so the people who saw her could gaze her way but she remained hidden and unseen.

C 2022 Mistress Manifesto BlogSpot

Empress of the East by Leslie Pierce is the reference for this post.

Sunday, August 14, 2022

Saturday, August 13, 2022


While her husband Suleyman the Magnificent was away at war, the once-slave Roxelana wrote him letters daily saying how much she and their children - missed him.  She did not want him to forget them or forget that they waited on his return.

The Prince had an older son by another, older woman of the harem who had also started out in slavery. That son had reportedly tried to dethrone his father.  Perhaps it wasn't true but a set up when he was strangled to death in a coup when he went to visit his father, Suleyman. This got blamed on Roxelana but it might have been Suleyman himself who was behind the killing. Roxelana had long had to do her best getting along with this older woman who had given Suleyman his first son, but when that son died, his mother was left without any life purpose or power in the situation.

Suleyman's own mother had been a Slavic slave woman!  One does wonder, and the book does not answer this, if perhaps the prince was raised to be more Slavic by his mother than indoctrinated into the Moslem Turk ways. It seems to me that this program of breeding women to bear sons meant a change in their DNA. It's the old question of nature versus nurture.
Boys were raised to be soldier, leaders, a high administrator or boss, even a ruthless one. In this world in which roles were restricted and defined by gender, few people had choices about what they might want to do with their lives. However, there was still some wisdom and compassion in assigning men their position.

After Roxelana had her first son, Suleyman did not leave her bed as was expected. They had five children, four sons and a daughter.  Mehmed, Mihrumah - the daughter, Abdullah, Bayezid, and  Cihangar. In the end one of the sons was too disabled in some way to rise up into an important role. He remained at home with her. They grew up quickly and were assigned important positions while still teenagers. 

The three sons who made it into their teens were sent away to Anatola to important jobs and with the duty to get women pregnant to continue their line. They were not considered to be soldiers but I do wonder if perhaps it was that Roxelana prevailed, not wanting to loose her children in war. Another rule was broken. She did not go with any of them. The oldest son died there of the plague. If she had not had more children, Roxelana would have had the fate of her predecessor, and lost her power. They were deeply grieved - another sign that this family was extraordinary. Three sons each had a daughter by a concubine and finally one of them had a son. Roxelana broke another rule and established relationships with each of the mothers of her grandchildren. However, one of the sons was also executed. That left her and Suleyman with two sons to count on.

C 2022 Mistress Manfesto BlogSpot

Empress of the East by Leslie Pierce is the reference for this post.

Thursday, August 11, 2022


The news came to me through Daily Mail Online.
I'm crying: All those innocent people.
If there is someone you love, tell them today.


Wednesday, August 10, 2022


People could accept that Roxelana, who was called Princess Hurrem, might be a crafty woman, a seductive woman, who Suleyman had come to love, perhaps because she had excellent sexual skills. Or perhaps she had mastered the politics of the harem and was manipulative and conniving.  No doubt this marriage ended the hopes and dreams of some other women. However, that the Sultan had actually married her led some to think it was more, that she was a witch who used magical spells to claim him for herself. (Page 146)

"Perhaps not surprisingly, similar tales of the rustic female witch existed in the Ruthenian land of Roxelana's birth, at least in the eyes of the inhabitant's Polish overlords." (Page 147)

There was no evidence of her guilt.

She had been captured at 13 and had entered the harem at 17.  She had caught his eye. It was his choice. He was not a weak man.

She focused on being a good mother to her children.

She gave him a real, nuclear family.

She wrote him letters when he was in battle, so he did not forget her.

She used her station to do good works.

C 2022 Mistress Manifesto BlogSpot

Empress of the East by Leslie Pierce is the reference for this post.

Monday, August 8, 2022


Been blogging a long time now, so many of the most interesting topics are hidden in the Mistress Manifesto archives for you to read. You can click on a year or month and just go exploring, or you can find this complete list in Pages! - Missy

Saturday, August 6, 2022


In 1534, a Venetian envoy reported that there was a marriage between Roxelana and Suleyman that was not affirmed by the court in Istanbul, Turkey, the capital and headquarters of the empire. They reported only that the slave Roxelana's was Suleyman's favorite in the harem. I muse that a royal engagement or agreement to marry might take place long before an actual ceremony, that an engagement period was observed. The marriage was admitted to officially in 1535.

While he was on another campaign to brutalize the Hungarians, Roxelana had written him letters everyday emphasizing how much she missed him.

What is true is that she had given him more than one son. She had given him several children, one of whom was a daughter, so already he had gone against the notion that once a woman in the harem gave a Prince a son, he needed to move on to another woman in the harem. They were in fact a family, a nuclear family, which would be a far more Ruthenian Christian way to live, than a Moslem Turk way to live.

Roxelana had been captured at about 13 year old and she had been converted to the Moslem religion, she was beautiful and intelligent and shrewd, if not manipulative, and had clearly prevailed over other women with her ongoing relationship with the man, even as he spent so much time away on military campaigns. There is real evidence that he loved her.  Suleyman wrote love poetry to Roxelana. 

She wrote to him, "A single hair of your head is worth more to me than one hundred thousand florins." (Page 210)

A typical wedding for a person of such high station as Suleyman usually lasted three weeks and involved throwing a party for the public with entertainment as well as the display of riches and power. The Prince would only appear on the 14th day and just for one day, kind of like the appearance of a celebrity. (Page 102)

In 1535 the two lovers were married. It was totally surprising and controversial. Roxelana was considered to be a seductress. (Page146)

To give some perspective that we Westerners can relate to, at the time, England's King Henry VIII, the King who was also under pressure to have an heir and continue his line, and who had six wives, two whom he had killed, was a contemporary of Suleyman The Magnificent's.

Perhaps the goings on in the personal life of Suleyman was gossiped about or reported but the wedding as a public event confirmed that in fact, Suleyman was so Magnificent he could do whatever he wanted. 

C 2022 Mistress Manifesto Blogspot

Empress of the East by Leslie Pierce is the reference for this post.

Friday, August 5, 2022

Tuesday, August 2, 2022


In July 2018 here at Mistress Manifesto, I featured Sally Hemmings, born a slave, who is rumored to have been the long-time mistress to widower Thomas Jefferson, who become President of the United States in 1801 and served till 1809. We wondered if their relationship was consensual and real love, which I think it was. Did you know the word slave comes from the word Slavic? This book tells the story of slavers who captured Slavic people in what is today Ukraine and walked them into Turkey to be bought and sold. Some of them survived this march and adapted to life under the Turks. This version of slavery was perhaps not as bad as what is depicted of slaves brought to the United States because Muslim law was that a man should free his slaves after seven years of service.  Some of them did.


Born about 1515 - 1558

Aleksandra Lisovska

The  Ruthenian woman who would become Princess Hurrem, was born Aleksandra** Lisovska in Rohatyn, Poland which is now in Ukraine, and died in Constantinople, which is now Istanbul, Turkey.  Roxlana was captured as a slave by Turks at thirteen and managed to emerge from the harem to become the beloved wife of a man who actually led tremendous violence, the massacre of the Hungarian people and the ruination of their country, Prince Suleyman The Great. Clearly, this woman tapped into another side to this man and achieved unusual power for a woman and also remarkable achievement. She kept the home fires burning while her partner was out soldiering. She made the very best of her situation, rising in status until she was able to build mosques, hospitals, and schools and that is inspirational.

The Turks got their slaves, girls and boys, women and men, from one of the poorest parts of Europe. There were slavers who included Tatars and even Venetians, from what is now Venice, Italy. Some slaves experienced a better standard of living than they had in their home country which they were not likely to see again. Slaves were used for a variety of activities including being soldiers in the military.

Up to 600 women lived together in a harem. For many women, their life in the harem was to be a servant to other women. The idea of the harem, in this case, was not for sexual pleasure. Women were to live separate of men in this Moslem culture, and so it was not just slave women who lived there.  A woman might live in the harem her entire life and remain a virgin because she had not been chosen by a Prince.  

A Prince could not marry a slave. If she was chosen, a Prince would have sex with her until she gave him a son. Then he would move on to another woman. His duty was to have as many sons as possible. You could say it was a breeding program with rules. Then it was the mother's job to raise this son, to entirely devoting herself to mothering him so that he could have a position of importance in the military or in the administration of the kingdom. Many women who had a son lost him to illness. She was then left to live her life without family.

Although this strategy for having heirs seems cold-hearted, we must realize that at the time there was nothing like modern medicine and even having many children did not guarantee one of them would live to adulthood or be capable. Interestingly, the Moslems did use contraception, had midwives and doctors, and might have been one of the most advanced cultures during this time.

The women in the harem could be competitive in attracting a Prince and becoming a favorite. It's suggested that Roxelana was intelligent and excellent at navigating the culture.
Here was how a woman born a poor peasant and taken out of her culture could be considered a "Royal Mother." I find it interesting that these Turkish princes found Slavic women to be desirable as mothers to their sons.

Because the Venetians (Venice, Italy) were involved in this slave trade and had ambassadors at the Turkish court. They were very interested in Roxelana and much of what we know of her comes from their reports.  

In 1534 a Venetian envoy reported that Roxelana and Suleyman were wed.  In Istanbul, the Turk's headquarters, just that she was a favorite.

C 2022 Mistress Manifesto BlogSpot

This post also includes information from Encyclopedia Britannica

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* The image of Roxelana on the book comes from a portrait by Titian, called La Sultana Rossa circa 1550 and therefore we can hope it is fairly accurate.  She was a red head. 

** Also called Nastia.

Monday, August 1, 2022