Wednesday, June 15, 2022


MAY FUNG YEE PANG : MISTRESS  OF EX-BEATLE JOHN LENNON was MISTRESS OF THE MONTH in  APRIL 2012 here at Mistress Manifesto BlogSpot.  Here is an update on May's latest, a film called "The Lost Weekend" about her relationship with John.

A year and a half  plus love affair is not a "Lost Weekend" but that's what May Fung Yee Pang's relationship with then ex-Beatle, John Lennon, has been called. May was about a decade younger than John Lennon and 17 years younger than Yoko Ono, who encouraged the relationship, one in which she would not loose control.

VARIETY :Review: May Pang Tells Her Story, and a Piece of John Lennon’s, in a Compelling Documentary  This article linked has an 8 minute recording

Excerpt: In the photos that we saw at the time of her and John, she always had a waifish beauty, and a certain mystery behind those tinted hexagon glasses.  But in "The Lost Weekend," we see that May Pang was a tough ambitious city girl, who spoke with a slight but blunt New York accent, and that after dropping our of college she had the chutzpah to talk her way into a job at the Apple Records offices on Broadway.  She was a schmoozer, and when she began to work for John and Yoko, doing every makeshift task available - avant-garde film production assistant, costume designer - she had an ebullient smile and an easy-to-be-with vivacity.  She was fun but circumspect (she didn't drink or do drugs.)

Excellent review worth your time reading and so, though I haven't seen it yet, apparently a well done and revealing documentary.

This clip is not from the film but a fairly recent interview.  May is about 70 years old now.

1 comment:

  1. I would like to know more about Yoko and John because I can accept that she did not break up the Beatles but it does seem like she didn't care if she broke up his marriage with Cynthia. His son with Cynthia says he saw Paul McCartney more than he saw his own father. I mean John was nowhere man for that child. Whatever issues John had with Cynthia or the Beatles, how could he be such a rotten father? Nancy


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