Sunday, January 2, 2022


Is this your first time to visit my blog?  

My Regular Readers are as curious as I am about the alternative lifestyle that I call Mistressing that has been going on for centuries. We're interested in Polyamory and Polygamy, man sharing, and relationships aside or including marriage. We're interested in the history of being Kept, in Courtesans, and in the more contemporary women who have lived the Mistress Lifestyle. Though from a heterosexual woman's experience, Mistress Manifesto is LGBTQ Friendly. ***

We know there are Many Ways To Love. 

While I no doubt have an Opinion, a Point of View, and you'll find in these pages Relationship Advice that I give to those who ask Questions, I try to keep an open mind and be fair to my subjects. Tucked away in my archives are also Declarations For Mistresses. You see, I don't automatically think that The Other Woman is a Bad Woman, or that having the experiences of being involved with a man who already has a wife should mean being blocked from success in life if you move on. I'm for Choice, and to have a choice you need to be informed and think it through.

Every Month I feature a Mistress (or Mantress), someone who has lived a lifestyle that is an alternative to traditional marriage or special topic. (Not all of those who have tried it like it or are successful at it.) We talk sexuality here because that aspect of our humanness is necessarily part of the topic, but this is not the blog to read if you're looking for explicit XXX rated images or titillations. Over the years researching and writing this blog has deepened my understanding and if you read here, maybe that will happen to you too.

After years of researching and writing this blog, I still think the most successful of such relationships may be ones we will never know about. I work hard to find people who are worthy of the Mistress title.  My coverage includes but isn't exclusive to Royal Mistresses.

It's not always easy going yet I'm amazed that just when I think maybe I won't find another worthy subject, someone new comes up. 

But what about that label "Mistress"?  Or "Courtesan?" Or "Sugar?" Discretion demands that one not notify the media in a desire for fame - or revenge - by using Social Media, as an example. That is why I discount the "Mistress" term as one that is overused by the media itself in an attempt to sensationalize brief affairs with celebrities. I've looked at lists of "Mistresses" in articles on the Internet and crossed out most or all of the names on them. However, I've personally compiled my own lists of people worthy of these posts and look forward to continuing my quest to find and nominate our Mistress of the Month.

Do you want to be a Mistress? Are you a man who wants a Mistress? Perhaps you are making a decision about your life...a relationship you're thinking about. Well, you'll be able to link to books I've selected and read, read excerpts that are telling, as well as articles by other writers and videos by other creators that I've judiciously selected.

I welcome you to Mistress Manifesto BlogSpot and encourage you to come back!


C 2022 Mistress Manifesto BlogSpot

All Rights Reserved including Internet and International Rights

*** Be sure to leave your suggestions with references or links for me to look at when you know of someone I should cover. While I'm willing to include people of various sexualities most of the books that have been published are on heterosexual relationships. Check out my COMMENTS POLICY in Pages!

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