Thursday, October 28, 2021


In searching for people to feature on this blog, I sometimes do internet searches to see what's up. I've found so many articles that use the term CELEBRITY MISTRESSES. While many of these articles are correct about the fact that there has been adultery, they are rarely correct about the terms and conditions of the relationship. Affairs, even extremely brief events, are turned into relationships. Relationships, some of which end in someone's divorce and remarriage are not the same as the relationship between a person who has negotiated being in a long relationship with another person and is closer to being a second spouse. One article I found was right on about various celebrity men and their "baby mamas" but there is no evidence that any of these women who (sorry to say) stupidly had babies with men who use their celebrity to whore around were their Mistresses. (I'd love to know about the child support issues.)

However, we are in the process here of DEFINING Mistress. If you page through my archives you'll get a feeling for the people who I've featured thus far and why. Sometimes I elect someone an Honorary Mistress. I don't think Monica Lewinsky ever was but I've featured her and also said, in so many words, Get Off Her Back! I suspect Anna Bey once was and decided she wanted a different life. Isadora Duncan was, with Paris Singer who was her arts patron as well who helped her survive in Paris and move towards her dream of a dancing school. Although a woman can be financially independent and a Mistress, the rich man who can afford to "Keep" or "Help" a woman is more likely to have a Mistress. Do I believe Sarah Symonds, who was a Mistress to a famous married chef?  Yes. I do. Bill Gates? I doubt it. Women throwing themselves at his feet?  Probably.

In several articles, Marilyn Monroe is identified as a Mistress because she supposedly had affairs with President Kennedy  and his brother Robert. This tale has been repeated and taken on more and more "fact" as time goes on, yet the overly married Marilyn who also was, reportedly, quite the sexual adventurer for her time, and may even been expected to sleep with various Hollywood power players to have a career, had to know that having sex and having a relationship could be two different things. I pity her and the women who, like her, felt or knew they had to have sex with men in order to have a career. However, Marilyn was a Mistress early in her life with an agent named Johnny Hyde

Tiger Woods is a man who is linked with many women who are called Mistresses because of their affairs with him while he was married. I have no reason to think any of them were. I tend to discount any reportage that calls women who have had affairs with celebrities Mistresses. So NO Rachel Uchitel was not a Mistress.

And hell no Amy Fisher was not a Mistress to Joey Buttafuoco.

There are a lot of celebrities, and that includes politicians, who didn't seem to mind that someone is married or that they are married, when they meet someone else who is willing, they have affairs. Affairs sometimes turn into a remarriage or the Mistress relationship, but my thinking on this is that these people are too high profile to have private lives and that some of them use their drama to fuel their fame. 

I don't think in this day and age it's possible to have a Classic Mistress if you're a celebrity but if you have a whole lot of money you can make it happen, if the Mistress is capable of being discreet, which probably means she is not aiming for fame herself. Even if a person compartmentalizes their life, a reporter is on the story.


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Monica Lewinsky featured March 2012

Marilyn Monroe featured May 2012

Isadora Duncan featured February 2016

Anna Bey featured May 2021 


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