Saturday, September 4, 2021


According to multiple obituaries in newspapers (and on the Internet) it may be that Lady Elizabeth Georgiana Alice Cavendish was the person to introduce Princess Margaret to her husband Antony Armstrong Jones, who was to be ennobled with the name First Lord Snowden. Snowden would divorce Princess Margaret when he got his Mistress pregnant!

At her funeral, to represent The Queen (Elizabeth II) Lady Sarah Chatto, Princess Margaret's daughter stood in. 

Lady Elizabeth was known for her zippered lips, but another of Princess Margaret's Ladies In Waiting, Anne Glenconner, eventually wrote a book about her times with the Princess who was known to have her "Royal Moments," was a hard partier, and whose marriage to the First Lord Snowden was chaotic.

Anne Glenconner was in an awful marriage herself. I have not read this book but.... Here's a great interview with Glenconner:  THE GUARDIAN : I'M NO SNOWFLAKE : INTERVIEW WITH ANNE GLENCONNER by Hadley Freeman

She mentions that she married a man of a slightly lower rank in the aristocracy.

EXCERPT: Glenconner's family has a long relationship with the royal family; her paternal grandmother was Edward VIII's mistress and her father was equerry to George VI.  Glenconner was Princess Margaret;s devoted lady-in-waiting for more than 30 years, and this is what spurred her into writing her book, as she was horrified by a recent biography about the princess, which she describes as "that horrible book, we won't mention the name of the somebody...
According to an October 5, 2018 article in by Charlie Proctor, Lady Elizabeth was also a godmother to Princess Margaret's son, who is the current 2nd Lord Snowden. 

In a Daily Mail UK article dated June 29, 2007 entitled Very Contrary Princess - Why Did The Charming Margaret Turn Into The Most Unpopular Royal by Tim Heald, there is this:


Above all, she (Margaret) craved kitchen meals and intelligent small-talk. What she particularly loathed were occasions when a hostess would suddenly announce she had friends coming in for drinks or a meal; then the Princess would feel correctly that she was being exploited and "shown off."

"The people who knew her best were devoted to her," said Lady Elizabeth Cavendish, daughter of the Duke of Devonshire. "She was, I think, the most loyal person I have ever met and, of course, to me a wonderful friend."

"I know that no matter what I had done, she would have been there."

But even those who saw the Princess often acknowledged that she could be contrary and contradictory.


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Besides the linked to articles, reference for this post also came from Hello Magazine, an April 19, 2020 article called Why The Queens Ladies In Waiting Do Not Receive a Salary by Gemma Strong.

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