Wednesday, September 22, 2021


Maybe we'll have to rely on some stereotypes here, especially because both Great Britain and the United States are ethnically diverse. I think that means culturally diverse and then there are class issues to consider. However, after reading around the subject I think I can give you 21st Century Foxes a few clues!

British men will seem more reserved than American men, more mannered and formal in general. They are less likely to get too touchy feely when you dance slowly with them. You may need to tone down your exuberance though because all your enthusiasm can come off as trying too hard and even fake. (I'm a little suspicious of over exuberance myself.)

Which leads to that more alcohol is consumed. Expect you'll both have at least one drink on a date. It's used to bust through the formality and without it he may not warm up and tell you how he feels. (Careful though because alcoholism isn't easy to overcome.)

British men are more concerned with grooming and might more often fall into the MetroSexual category in your way of thinking, with men in Britain making more effort with their hair and nails and, reportedly, even plucking their brows. (Cool! if to get rid of the bushy haywire but not so if too pencil thin.) British men are more likely to be clean, neat, and smell good. (What's that aftershave you're wearing?)

He doesn't think he needs his parent's approval. (But if he's young, never married, and rich, he will want them to like you, believe me.)

If he asks you out, he doesn't want to be friends. You might want to meet him for coffee or lunch just to check him out but he wants to go out at night. If you want to check him out attempt to go out in groups or do group activities to check him out. (I'm all for the afternoon dates and slow to get to know you so this would be difficult for me.)

If it helps you any, if you go out with him twice he thinks you're his girlfriend. That can quickly get complicated because he may think you keeping your options open is actually "cheating!" (I don't like this at all!)

Dates can be No Big Deal activities. Don't expect the limo ride to an expensive restaurant any time soon. Unfortunately sex can also be No Big Deal.  (I'm good with the first and not at all good with the last.)

You need to be introduced (and on-line meeting can usually suffice) as they are not going to approach you, a stranger, in public, just because you happen to see each other out  somewhere. (Luckily, with such good manners, being out with your mutual friend, you will be.)

Don't go down a list of questions in order to quickly profile or "know" another person. It's rude.(I agree!)

A confusion of expectations since Old Fashioned gender roles are desirable yet British men want to "Go Dutch" and split the costs of the dates?! (This one is crazy making to me. I think whomever asks the other person on a date should plan it and pay for it. I would not recognize the plan as a date.  I pay for my self when out with friends.)

More forgiveness if your date doesn't go so well. Loose the car in the carpark? Drink a little too much and throw up? I have no idea just how far forgiveness can go. (If it's being kind hearted and less demanding because we're all human, Great. Unfortunately, I've ignored too many red flags in my life.)

Interesting conservationists and well read?!  Yes!

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