Thursday, August 19, 2021


Party Preference NONE  - Entertainer  Angelyne

Our Honorary Mistress of the month in October 2010, Angelyne threw her see through pumps in to the ring - one of about 46 candidates competing to take over from Governor Newsom in an expensive and time wasting recall vote. Larry Elder, a KFI radio personality and Republican is the front runner should this Republican lead recall actually happen, and as for the Democrats -well, we may as well vote for Angelyne. I think Newsom should stay in office.

Though I don't generally get into politics here at Mistress Manifesto BlogSpot, the truth is I don't blame any of our politicians, doctors, or other experts and leaders for being GOBSMACKED by Covid-19, which is an unprecedented historical event with serious and ongoing ramifications. People point out to me the flu epidemic circa 1916-1919 as if there were vaccines at the time. 

As time goes on there is continually more information and some of it may ultimately prove to be right. I think what a wonder it is that here in the First World we have so much knowledge earned by medical science. I'm still meeting people who refuse to take the vaccine. I have two friends who have long term Covid which they got on a cruise ship early on that was out of Fort Lauderdale. One has an enlarged heart.  The other can't get his balance. This was well before there were vaccines and they both have donated their blood to try and help other people.

Another friend took the Pfizer and proceeded to take three trips during lock down, a road trip to New Orleans, a trip out of the country, and a trip to see family in the Midwest - these last two trips by air.  

Word has reached me that a friend who is Bible based and who goes to a church where they are mostly Republican and did not get the vaccine, has a minister and a Bible study leader in intensive care with Covid.  They had continued to meet for services.

I took the Johnson (J&J/Janssen COVID-19 Vaccine) after not being able to get any of the 2 shots locally with ease. That early morning as I sat with another half dozen people six feet apart on folding chairs, I wondered if I was doing the right or best thing.  I thought maybe I was just a follower or weak willed. As time goes on, though I did have side effects, I came to realize that it was the best thing to do considering I have no medical conditions. If a person is immune compromised, as cancer patients often are, then I think, they should follow their doctor's recommendations. I don't believe conspiracy theories such as that the government is using the vaccine to put chips in people. Or that the whole thing was just a Big Pharma money making scheme.


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