Tuesday, August 31, 2021


Nicole Coste was our Mistress of the Month in September 2010 here at Mistress Manifesto BlogSpot because of her long relationship with Prince Albert II of Monaco, who met her when she was an flight attendant in first class. Now, all these years later, it is clear that she and their son have continued to be in Albert's life in some way although it seems they have been living discreetly enough to barely make the papers.


Though the Grimaldis are the royal family with the longest duration in Europe, it seems none of the children of Ranier and actress Grace Kelly have had an easy time of it romantically. Albert II was a long time bachelor who had the reputation of being a womanizer. He is currently being accused of fathering a third love child, having been forced to recognize two children through DNA testing before, including the son of Nicole. If it turns out to be true, he would have fathered this third child while dating Charlene.

For several months now there has been speculation that Albert's wife, Princess Charlene, the mother of their twins, whose son will take the throne after Albert, has absconded to South Africa to get away from him - and Monaco - and is only using her work saving the rhinos or trouble with her sinuses to stay away. Perhaps they are actually in a trial separation or she is taking time out to find herself or decide if she wants to stay married to him.

What I've heard is that Albert wanted to marry Nicole, but his father refused to allow him to do so. The Red Cross Ball in Monaco is perhaps the biggest event the small country hosts. It is a fund raiser.  While through the years in his bachelorhood Albert has had one of his siblings attend events with him, allowing Nicole to the ball has to be a statement. He has provided heirs to the throne, his parents are no longer alive to tell him what to do, and though we may feel for Charlene, as a man he has the right to be happy.  If for years now Nicole has endured some social estrangement over her relationship with Albert, to me what Albert is announcing is that Nicole is to be accepted.

Together Nicole and Albert have a son who has just celebrated his eighteenth birthday.

In this article from Daily Mail - Online by Harriet Johnston, there are photos of Nicole and Alexandre Grimaldi-Coste, the son. DAILY MAIL : REVEAL OF ROCKY MARRIAGE PRINCE ALBERT PRINCESS CHARLENE 

EXCERPT: (Quoting Nicole) :  Many criticized Nicole in public, dubbing her 'audacious' for demanding recognition and rights for her son.  She also caused anger by being pictured strolling with her son in the Monaco sunshine on the eve of Albert and Charlene's wedding in 2011.  'I was fed up being a secret,' she said.

After the wedding I suffered because some socialites stopped inviting me to events if they thought the Prince and Princess would be there.  They thought it would cause embarrassment.

Saturday, August 28, 2021


The first Westerner to be buried at the Royal Mausoleum was John Young, the father of Jane Lahilahi Young,  He ended up in this Royal Mausoleum because he was so close to King Kamehameha I.  But this is also the resting place of Jane.


You may be shocked at the burial customs of the Pre-Christian Hawaiians.

Friday, August 27, 2021


MISTRESS MANIFESTO BLOGSPOT focuses on an alternative lifestyle choice, that of being a Mistress (or Kept Person).  I was wondering how many of my readers live what they consider to be an alternative lifestyle?  Are you Kept?  Do you Keep somebody?  Are you married? Do you share a man with another person?

Please leave a comment.

I read all comments before I choose which ones to publish!

Hope to hear from YOU!


Thursday, August 26, 2021

Tuesday, August 24, 2021


 Al Jazeera is funded in whole or in part by the Qatari government.

Missy here! It's FRIDAY! Sorry to say I discovered the video I posted didn't post. Here is another try...

Saturday, August 21, 2021



Julia Alapa'i Kauwa'a lived from 1814-1849 and was a contemporary of Jane Lahilahi Young Ka'eo.

In her work, she gives an account of the lifestyle she lived as a member of Royal Hawaiian family, both parents being Chief/Chiefess rank. She also rests in death in the Royal Tomb.

EXCERPT:  (Julia) She became a close friend and attendant (similar to a European lady-in-waiting) of Princess Nahi ena ena, the youngest daughter of Kamehameha  and his most scared wife Keopuolani and the sister of King Kamehameha II and Kamehameha III. During her youth, she along with other attendants of the Princess, the Chiefesses JANE LAHILAHI, Laura Konia, Ulumahelhei Polupolu and Kapoli were punished by Queen Ka'ahumanu for breaking Christian laws and corrupting the young King Kamehameha III who had ascended the throne after his brother's untimely death in London.

She married John Kaleipalhala Young II, more commonly known as Keoni Ana, the son of Kamehameha I's most trusted advisor John Young and a childhood companion of Kamehameha III. The couple remained childless, so in 1836, they adopted in the Hawaiian tradition of hanai, their nephew PETER KA'EO, the son of Joshua Ka'eo and Jane Lahilahi, her husband's sister.

This passage gives us the feel for just how entwinned the Hawaiian Royals were nit also how powerful Queens could be.  High Chiefs and Chiefesses were already feared by common people. The commoners often lived like the serfs in Europe, not owning land and owing the land owner. The Queen had adopted Christianity.  I wonder what is meant by corrupt, but I think it means that they had not accepted Christianity if it meant giving up traditional Hawaiian culture.


Friday, August 20, 2021

Thursday, August 19, 2021


Party Preference NONE  - Entertainer  Angelyne

Our Honorary Mistress of the month in October 2010, Angelyne threw her see through pumps in to the ring - one of about 46 candidates competing to take over from Governor Newsom in an expensive and time wasting recall vote. Larry Elder, a KFI radio personality and Republican is the front runner should this Republican lead recall actually happen, and as for the Democrats -well, we may as well vote for Angelyne. I think Newsom should stay in office.

Though I don't generally get into politics here at Mistress Manifesto BlogSpot, the truth is I don't blame any of our politicians, doctors, or other experts and leaders for being GOBSMACKED by Covid-19, which is an unprecedented historical event with serious and ongoing ramifications. People point out to me the flu epidemic circa 1916-1919 as if there were vaccines at the time. 

As time goes on there is continually more information and some of it may ultimately prove to be right. I think what a wonder it is that here in the First World we have so much knowledge earned by medical science. I'm still meeting people who refuse to take the vaccine. I have two friends who have long term Covid which they got on a cruise ship early on that was out of Fort Lauderdale. One has an enlarged heart.  The other can't get his balance. This was well before there were vaccines and they both have donated their blood to try and help other people.

Another friend took the Pfizer and proceeded to take three trips during lock down, a road trip to New Orleans, a trip out of the country, and a trip to see family in the Midwest - these last two trips by air.  

Word has reached me that a friend who is Bible based and who goes to a church where they are mostly Republican and did not get the vaccine, has a minister and a Bible study leader in intensive care with Covid.  They had continued to meet for services.

I took the Johnson (J&J/Janssen COVID-19 Vaccine) after not being able to get any of the 2 shots locally with ease. That early morning as I sat with another half dozen people six feet apart on folding chairs, I wondered if I was doing the right or best thing.  I thought maybe I was just a follower or weak willed. As time goes on, though I did have side effects, I came to realize that it was the best thing to do considering I have no medical conditions. If a person is immune compromised, as cancer patients often are, then I think, they should follow their doctor's recommendations. I don't believe conspiracy theories such as that the government is using the vaccine to put chips in people. Or that the whole thing was just a Big Pharma money making scheme.


Monday, August 16, 2021


 KALENACOM: Sweet Moonlight by Prine Albert Kukailmoku Kunuikea

SWEET MOONLIGHT - Prince Albert Kukailimoku Kunuiakea

‘Auhea wale ‘oe e Sweet Moonlight
E ke onaona e hea mai nei
Eia hoi au ka maile lau li‘i
I moe i ke anu o uka

E kiss goodnight, o Sweet Moonlight
Ke ua kilihune mai nei
Ho‘olai nĂ¢ manu luhe me ka palai
Ho‘ope ‘a‘ala o ka nahele

Ua nani no ‘oe e beauty Laniuma
E kahi manu hulu laha a‘ole
Ua hanu ia aku kou meheu
E ka ua kilihune o uka

E ake wale au ea ‘ike la
I ka ua lanipili o uka
Ho‘oipo mau no ke ‘ala huihui
I ka pua o ke ‘a‘ali‘i

Listen to me o Sweet Moonlight
A gentle fragrance now calls to me
Here I am, dainty leafed maile
That grew in the cold of the upland

E kiss goodnight, o Sweet Moonlight
Gentle rains are falling around
Birds poise aloft amid the drooping fern
That fill the forest with their scent

You are a beauty, Geranium
A bird with feather, rare
Whose footstep is being traced
By the light showers of the upland

I am eager to see
The pouring upland rain
Where I will woo the gentle perfume
Of the a‘ali‘i blossom

Sunday, August 15, 2021



Excerpt: In the late 1960's, originally as Patricia Kenely (she later changed the spelling of her last name and, in 1979 added Morrison), she was a writer for and then editor of Jazz & Pop, a small but well-regarded magazine. She interviewed Morrison in 1969, and when they shook hands there was "a visible shower of bright blue sparks flying in all directions," she wrote in a 1992 memoir, "Strange Days" My Life With and Without Jim Morrison."  They soon became romantically involved.

Ms. Kennealy-Morrison practiced Celtic paganism; on her Facebook page she described herself as "Author, ex-rock critic, Dame Templar, Celtic witch, ex-go-go dancer, Lizard Queen, Not in that order." ("Lizard Queen" was a reference to a line from a Jim Morrison poem, in which he wrote, "I am the Lizard King.") In 1970 she and Morrison exchanged vows in a "handfasting ceremony" that involved drops of their own blood.


Excerpt:  Patricia Kennealy-Morrison - the one-time rock journalist and partner of Doors singer Jim Morrison - died July 23rd at the age of 75.

"To all of you who have supported our beloved Lizard Queen, I wanted to let you know that she passed this morning," Kennealy-Morrison's Lizard Queen Press - the company she founded to release her fiction work - wrote on Facebook at the time. "To say we are all reeling from the news is an understatement. We will miss our friend very, very much. She was a beautiful soul, a talented writer, and a loving and wonderful friend."

Missy here:  The love triangle of Doors singer and poet Jim Morrison with Patricia Kennealy and Pamela Courson was featured here at Mistress Manifesto BlogSpot and remains one of the most popular posts for the month March 2014.

Although there is reason to believe Morrison had other women in his life through these relationships, the situation was and is confused because while PAMELA called herself his wife, he didn't always live with her, preferring a motel room at times even when in Los Angeles - the same city, though he financially supported her. But there was no legal marriage. And with PATRICIA, Morrison participated in a Pagan Hand Fasting ceremony, which is also not a legal marriage - or was not at that time and place. (Today in California such ceremonies followed by a civil marriage or registration are.) This ceremony which is the tradition in her religion was very important to Patricia. She was financially independent of Morrison.  

When he died in Paris, Pamela was there. Her family declared her his wife and went after his estate which is something else which I think might be questionable today with so many people experimenting with living together without legal marriage. At the time far fewer people did so and Pamela's family were almost, in my opinion, redeeming her reputation by declaring her Jim's common law wife. Today living together for seven straight years is usually considered a common law marriage, with faithfulness and loyalty known in the community. 

The controversy is still in play, which is one of the reasons my posts about Patricia and Pamela are so popular.  So much so that at one point I actually took the whole month done, hoping other deserving Mistresses would get hits instead.

Friday, August 13, 2021

Tuesday, August 10, 2021


Today the Mormons go by the name Latter Day Saints and their church is called The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.

SUNSTONE MAGAZINE POLYGAMY AND THE EARLY MORMON HAWAII MISSION by John J. Hammond, who was a college professor.  (There's even an audio to listen to at this link!)

A very interesting article about the history of Mormon missionaries coming into Hawaii really.

Here's an EXCERPT:

Although Mormon Church leaders and many members had been secretly practicing polygamy since at least the early 1940's, Apostle Orson Pratt had made that practice public on 29 August 1852.  The news circulated the world in non-Mormon newspapers and created something of a sensation in the Sandwich Islands.

In a 16 March 1843 letter to Brigham Young, Hammond reported that the news about polygamy 'Does not create half the excitement which I had anticipated; the people appear as if some unseen hand had prepared them for it.  The (Hawaiian) government officers were not at all surprised at it but told us we would be narrowly watched, and if we were caught marrying two women to one man, they would be down heavy upon us; we told them that was not what we were sent out for, but to preach the gospel and to live in subjection to the (secular government) powers that be and to uphold them.

And Another:

In April 1854, Mormon Elder B.F. Johnson, who had been converted to polygamy by Joseph Smith (the founder of Mormonism) in the early 1840's, wrote an essay defending it against scathing attacks that were appearing in Honolulu newspapers.  When he could not find a newspaper that would publish it, he arranged to have it printed in San Francisco in the form of a twenty-six-page pamphlet, entitled WHY THE LATTER DAY SAINSR MARRY A PLURALITY OF WIVES; A GLANCE AT SCRIPTURE AND REASON. He distributed four hundred copies throughout the Islands, and was thrilled with the attention they received. "For many days," he wrote, "there was general excitement throughout the city (Honolulu) and had a thunderbolt fallen at the feet of our enemies, it would not have made a greater sensation."


Did the Hawaiian's accept Mormon Christianity because they understood Polyamorous lifestyle?  This article suggests just the opposite. I consider that only allowing a man to have many wives, but not allowing women to have many husbands, might have irked some of the Hawaii women.

April 2014 is the month in which I featured SISTER WIVES (Modern Mormon Polygamous couples) so check that out in my archives if you're interested in the man-sharing lifestyle!

Saturday, August 7, 2021


(Why does it seem that POLYAMOUOROUS relationships are considered to be either PRIMATIVE/ INDIGENOUS or EXTREMELY MODERN?)

POLYNESIA refers to Islands in the Pacific, some which are thousands of miles from others.  The Hawaiian Island chain, which formed due to volcanic eruption, is one of the largest group of Islands in the Pacific and considered to be extreme northern Polynesia. Speculation on how it is that groups of people managed to arrive there in canoes hundreds of years ago, goes on.

Culturally, the ancient Hawaiians practiced POLYAMORY - at least the term means LOVING MORE THAN ONE PARTNER.

In about 1820, however, Christian missionaries began to think Hawaii just might be the next place to convert the "natives." Following whaler boats and merchant ships, the missionaries of many faiths - Catholic, Mormon (Latter Day Saints), and various Protestant groups showed up, keen to establish missions and save souls from their Pagan ways.

What did they find?

According to multiple sites I referenced, Pre-Christian Hawaiians of both genders enjoyed the right to begin or end a sexual relationships, so we'd consider the women to be liberated in that way.  If you were Royal, a Chief or Chieftess, you had a marriage ceremony.  For common people being married was perhaps only understood as being someone's primary or longest held relationship. The birth of a child required a bit more celebration. Polygyny was normal for Chiefs, but not so much for the commoners. That might have had something to do with who was expected to raise or afford to raise a child, but everyone was living in extended family groups and raised children together, again blurring the definition of who is family for Westerners.  Neither matriarchal or patriarchal when it came to who went to live where, it was a pragmatic decision. Men, however, seemed to be the ones who owned land so I can imagine a man had say on who would be living on it.

I found the following site to be especially interesting: RANKERCOM' LOVE AND SEX IN ANCIENT HAWAII (PRE CHRISTIAN) by Rachel Souerbry


Siblings married frequently, all for the purpose of producing offspring with the most MANA or DIVINE LIFE FORCE.

Hi,uwai is a celebration held during the Hawaiian month of Weiehu, which cooresponds to the time period much of the world knows as November. Hi'uwai consists of a frenzied, splashing bath in the sea from midnight until daybreak, followed by a grand feast the next day.

Although the event is not overtly sexual, one observer in 1830 wrote that with all of the excitement the lavish and beautiful objects people had adorned themselves with, and the darkness all around, people became "attracted" to each other.

C 2021 Mistress Manifesto BlogSpot 

Friday, August 6, 2021

Wednesday, August 4, 2021



Thanks to Google Books, I'm able to EXCERPT from this book by Brien Foerster:

It was proposed in 1832 that Kamanele, the Governor of John Adams Kuakini, would be the most suitable in age, rank, and education for his Queen. Kamanele died in 1834 before the wedding take place. Instead, Kamehameha III chose to marry Chiefess Kalama Hakaleleponi Kapakuhaili, of no relation. Kalama's father was a harbor pilot Naihekukui, giving her a much lower ranking family background. After his sister's death in late 1836, he married Kalama February 4, 1837, in a Christian ceremony, Kamehameha and Kalama had two children. ... Both died as infants. He and his mistress, Jane Lahilahi, a daughter of his father's advisor John Young, had twin illegitimate sons; Keoua who died young, and Albert Kanulakea, who lived to adulthood (1853-1902).

Monday, August 2, 2021



1812/1813 - 1862
This image is supposed to be Jane and is on the
FindAGrave site, but I wonder because she was
only 48 when she died and this person seems to me to be much older.
However I can't seem to find an image of her young.

Summer always brings to mind beach vacations, surfing, and the state of Hawaii which is perhaps the most famous American state for surfing since the sport originates there among the indigenous people and so many important surfing contests take place there. The Hawaiian people, of ancient Polynesian descent, had their own Royalty, though Hawaii being ruled by Kings and Queens was over in 1893, long before the islands were granted statehood in 1959. They had a system of High Chiefs and Chiefesses that controlled land and the common people living on it. Today there are still people in Hawaii who want these islands to go back to being a separate nation because they think that businessmen overthrew their native government illegally.

Traditionally, marrying or mating with your relatives was not allowed among common Hawaiian people, but accepted practice among royals. This attitude seems to have been the case among some other geographically distant ethnic royal groups in this world too, such as the Egyptians who even practiced sibling marriage. Long ago it was thought that royal people have a special blood line which it's important to preserve and goes along with the thinking called "The Divine Right of Kings To Rule." Very basically, this means that the person believes God himself gave them the Kingship. (It must be strange to realize what an exceptional place in life you have.) Today the study of genetics and DNA seems to show us that marrying relatives, especially close relatives, such as siblings or first cousins, often reinforces genetic and even psychological qualities that are not desirable. The European family The House of Hapsburgs, certainly played that out. 

There is another factor that I think we need to consider here at Mistress Manifesto BlogSpot and that is that people who are arranged to be married, especially to close relatives, seem to not often find their legitimate spouses especially desirable. When the couple also need to produce offspring to guarantee a succession, there can be the burden of duty in trying to do so, made more awful when the offspring are born disabled or weak or die. The King or Queen who takes a lover and companion may do so out of desire, loneliness, or love - or all three. Perhaps desperation is another factor. The plight of the Royal Mistress is often that she cannot be married and her offspring face uncertainty. However, the situation for Jane Lahilahi in Hawaii may also have been one of a unique cultural understanding and cooperation among several people in her story.

Our Mistress of this summer month, Jane Lahilahi Young Ka'eo, usually just called Jane Lahilahi, (the Ka'eo the surname of her husband Joshua Ka'oe) is, like that of many a Royal Mistress, part of the history of her country. Jane was born on the Big Island, Hawaii, in a community called  Kawaihae. She came from the elite status. Her mother was a High Chiefess named Ka'oana'ehu-u and a niece of King Kamehameha I. She was also associated with this King because of an important connection via her father, John Young, a Scottish man from England who had first arrived on an American fur trading ship. John Young Olohana (his honorary Hawaiian name) was the trusted advisor to King Kamehameha I. Jane, also affectionately called Jenny or Kini , was herself a High Chiefess.* 

Jane's husband, Joshua, was a Judge on the Supreme Court of Hawaii and the grandson of King Kalani'opa'a.  Therefore their two sons (we assume he was the father) also had Royal Hawaiian blood. Her son Peter, and to whom fatherhood is attributed to Joshua, was born in 1836, and for some reason was adopted to be raised by her brother John. Another son attributed to Joshua was adopted by her brother James, but died in 1851. One wonders why she wasn't raising them herself. The answer may simply be that there was a tradition of adoption in Hawaiian culture.

These people were living during a time when missionaries were coming in - Catholic, Protestant denominations, Mormons, and converting people to Christianity which was a shift in culture that became united with a shift in politics to Western forms of government.

As a Mistress to King Kamehameha IIIJane had twin sons. One of them, Albert  lived into adulthood. This was The King's only son as the two children he had with his wife died in infancy. However, guess who this son was raised by? The King's wife, Queen Kalama.  He was the last in the direct line of the House of Kamehameha. One wonders how Jane felt about not raising any of the children she birthed. Did she see having children as a joy or a duty? Was she simply too busy to also mother? 

Jane's son Peter with her husband could have been eligible for the throne of Hawaii but  he ended up living in a leper's colony for several years and died in 1880! Until vaccinations, illness had no respect for the elite in any country.

Jane remained married and signed an X next to her name on the legal paperwork used to settle her husband's estate. Her surviving son, though with royal blood, was not allowed to be the heir to his father's throne because of his illegitimacy.  His mother wrote poetry.  He wrote poetry.  He reportedly was a "womanizer" but was there such a thing with the liberal mentality about sexuality that existed in traditional Hawaiian culture?

Jane Lahilahi was only forty-nine when she died and had suffered paralysis from a stroke eight years earlier!  Reportedly she didn't let her disability get her down. This is an indication that she had a pleasant personality and open view of life. Little seems to be known about the relationship she had with the King but certainly his wife knew about it. Jane was buried at the Royal Mausoleum in the Wyllie Crypt, which is located in Mauna ;Ala (Fragrant Hills) in Honolulu. It is considered a sacred site.

A portrait of Kamehameha III
who was born in 1813
 and was King from 1825 to 1854, when he died.
Jane's husband Joshua died in 1858 
and she is called his "widow."

Jane's son Albert Kukailimoku Kunuiakea
image from Wikimedia and FindAGrave

C 2021 Mistress Manifesto BlogSpot

Research for this month's posts includes WikiVisually, multiple genealogy sites, the YouTube Video called The Royal Mausoleum Na Moolelo Lecture Series, Find a Grave, the book called The Real History of Hawaii by Brien Foerster, Documentaries on Hawaii that appear on streaming services,, and several others, some of which we will link to.

Sunday, August 1, 2021