Monday, January 17, 2022



Valentine Edward Charles Browne was not the heir apparent of an Irish earldom.  His brother was. But when his brother died, his parents had to consider the son who they thought not well of. They had never liked him or approved of him. They didn't even like the way he looked or that he showed no signs of physical elegance like they did. It must have been tough growing up with such disapproving parents.* When his brother died, the title was his to do with as he pleased and what he pleased. Valentine decided to work for a living as a Journalist.

'In those early days, Castlerosse and Doris were destined not to meet. While he frequented the Saint James nightclub in Mayfair, she slipped through the doors of the Four Hundred and Ambassador nightclubs with Gertie (the actress Gertrude Lawrence) and their louche set.'

Castlerosse had just gone through some romantic disasters and his confidence was low but he was not a target for a seductress like Doris - at first. Perhaps there was a before and after inheritance Valentine?

In 1928 Doris married this unattractive man, though she seemed to be the embodiment of a Gold Digger. She, at about age 28,  became Viscountess Castlerosse. The woman had exceeded the expectations of women born into the middle class as she had been and was now a titled member of the aristocracy. And though, yes, she had slept around, and yes, she had allowed some men to spend a lot of money to make her happy, she was still young, and the marriage might have given the impression that Doris had just been sleeping around in search of a good husband..

Now, I'll carry the story a little further with the help of very interesting website I found called THE MITFORD SOCIETY. I note that Doris' story varies a bit from one book or article to another, but  THE MITFORD SOCIETY : DORIS DELEVINGNE THE CONSTANT COURTESAN  is a blog that is created by Lyndsy Spence, the author of the book The Mistress of Mayfair! In this article, there is no mention of Doris having worked or having a business. She is portrayed as without guilt for numerous sexual liaisons but also strategically working her way up. (Never the less, I can say that I adore this blog and see that the author is much interested as I am.)

Valentine Edward Charles Browne, 6th Earl of Kenmare, Viscount Castlerosse from 1905 to 1941 was "Fat, nasty, and broke, though she cared little for is financial status, for she herself had become rich from the money she hoarded off her rich admirers, she set her sights on his title and his castle in County Kerry.... Quite tellingly, they married in secret, for Castlerosse was too afraid to tell his parents that his wife was a haberdasher's daughter from Beckenham. Still, marriage meant nothing to Doris and she peddled on with her seduction of rich men - her husband, after all, needed the money."  *** 

* My opinion

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