Thursday, April 29, 2021


This past month we've learned about the crisis in human victimization, of evil, the use and abuse of humans by others for profit by cruel procurers and cruel customers.  These people enjoy the fear and pain of others - including innocent children. 

It has been an emotionally draining experience for me to read around this subject.  It is far worse than I could imagine.

I ask all my readers to consider contributing financially to one of the non-profits I've profiled or to find your local ones worthy of your money.  Be part of the solution. End the big business of slavery by avoiding slave made products.  Have speakers to your schools and churches. Learn about how to spot a suspect and report someone who is sex trafficking or being trafficked. Mostly, speak honestly with your children and grandchildren and come up with a family plan for emergencies such as abduction. 

If you are a slave reading this, I hope that you will call one of the organizations and ask for help. I know you have few if any choices and are terrified. If you are still in school or living at home you must tell a teacher - school principal - or a police officer or an adult you can trust. It isn't easy to trust but try to save yourself.

I tend to be a pacifist and was against Capital Punishment for much of my life, but this month I not only thought we should have the Death Penalty for traffickers, but that I might be able to hit the button or fire the gun.  Really.

Let's all take a deep breath. I promise you this upcoming month at MISTRESS MANIFESTO BLOGSPOT will be more light hearted, a breath of fresh air.



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