Friday, April 2, 2021


Remember when you were a girl? Pubescent? A teenager?  

Innocent. Having crushes. Dreams of romance. Poetry. Love Letters. Diaries. The boy across the classroom. Exchanging glances. Exchanging notes. The Valentines. First love. The hopes and wishes for True Love Forever.

This month I'm featuring a special subject, SEX TRAFFICKING, a form of slavery.  I want my readers to know about this scourge of abuse that is often perpetrated on people below the age of consent, which is 18. Even 14 year olds living with their parents can be trafficked. I'm writing this post having read, listened, and watched on this subject until I felt sick. This month's writing has been the most emotionally draining I've ever experienced as the author of MISTRESS MANIFESTO BLOGSPOT.

I want everyone to have CHOICES and to give consent that is informed with self knowledge and truth. I know sometimes as adults we make choices that are unconventional. Slavery, be it as a laborer or as a prostitute, is as far from choice as you can get.  

Although some women are involved in luring others into slavery, the evil opportunist and user of slaves is usually a man. And there would be no market for human beings to be used in horrible ways, if it were not for mostly men customers. So I have to say it, sometimes I hate men.

Thankfully, there are men's groups who are opposing trafficking.  Because of them, and because we all know good people, we know, no not all men are like this

Actually, we need to stop saying and thinking, "All men are alike."

The ideas that all men are beasts without self control, that men must have sex or they will rape, and the hatred behind the abuse of women, must stop.***

And yes, it starts with us being part of the solution rather than part of the problem.

I will be posting links to HELP and I encourage you to do some research as well and find the people and organizations local to you.

Did you know that CALIFORNIA, because of its ethnic diversity, its airports and transportation systems, and it's population, is a prime destination for traffickers to take a child to work, and even to be SOLD and taken to other countries?  Did you know traffickers use DISNEYLAND as a perfect place to pass around children?

I want all my readers who want this abominable criminality to stop to donate to at least one of the organizations I'm profiling this month. I want you to talk to the children you care for and about. I want you to talk to your teens. I want you teachers to get programs going in your schools - have someone come out and talk to your class.

And I want everyone to light a candle - in memory of someone who is being sex trafficked. The people who are turned into slaves won't last long.  It's estimated that most die within 7 years.

This month is my effort to speak up.


*** Added note April 25, 2021  Keep reading as I will be posting about men and boys being trafficked.

C 2021 Mistress Manifesto BlogSpot All Rights Reserved.

Sex trafficking is an international disgrace. 

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